~Chapter 6~

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Ms Fox screamed like there was no tomorrow as she rolled madly on the ground, but the fire didn’t go away. Soon her whole body was engulfed in flames as the smell of burning flesh filled the air.

“Caspian! I think it’s best if we leave… you know? Just an idea?”

I couldn’t move. I was petrified with a million thoughts that my brain would not process. I just stood there, staring at the burning corpse right before me. “God, why do the perfect girls always have to be so fucking scary.”

“CASPIAN!” Rachel shook my violently as I pushed aside all my thoughts about what the hell just happened. I grabbed her hand and sprinted to my ride.

“God Caspian. When we get back, you better fucking explain why those stinking dogs wanted you…”

I lifted her on to the back as I climbed on. I looked back at Ms Fox as I sped further away.

“Well the guys on the football team did say she was hot…” I shouted over the noise of the wind brushing against our face.

“Please Caspian. Never become a comedian!” she chuckled as she hugged me tighter.

At Rachel’s Place

I walked Rachel into her house as I sat down on to the beige couch. I placed my face in my hands as Rachel stood in front of me, arms crossed.

“So, Caspian. Wanna tell me what just happen?” She placed her hand onto my shoulder as she sat next to me.

“Not really…” I sighed.

“I don’t care! Tell me!”

“Why give me a choice in the first place then!”

“I was just trying not to push you to the edge.”

We both let out a huge sigh as we lied further back into the couch.

“Alright, I’ll tell you on one condition.” I turned to look at her cobalt eyes. They seem to glow each time I look at her.”

“And that is…”

“You don’t bloody turn me into a human torch and then bag me up and throw me into a river or something. Deal?” I gave a sly grin as my dimples revealed themselves.

“With those dimples! How could I!” she laughed as she gave me a quick peck. I blushed slightly before returning a peck myself.

“Alright… but I am curious why you haven’t killed me yet. Not that I want you to of course! The werewolves told me witches and wizards were a threat to us. I’m pretty sure you worked out the pieces. So… why?”

“Do I have a reason to kill you? People like me only fight back in defence. We never initiate an attack unless we’re being attacked ourselves. Now, why did they want you to join them? Don’t you already have your own pack?”

“Well… I was kinda… how do you say it… tricked? Manipulated? Deceived? Into turning to one of them. After they were trying to convince me to join their pack with all this bull shit.”

“But that’s impossible. You can’t be changed into one of them. You’re born a werewolf. You either got it or you don’t!”

“Rachel. Ms Fox impaled my with this… nail or claw I don’t even know when she tried to… to umm. When I was in the woods with her. After that, things got all weird and messed up.”

“Why were you even in the woods with Ms Fox?” her eyebrow raised as she crossed her arms once more.

Oh fuck. Great job Caspian. Dig yourself into a bigger hole why don’t you!” I thought to myself as I facepalmed mentally.

 “Wait! SO, you can’t turn into a wolf. You’re a born a wolf… yeah? Also, since werewolves and witches are real. Do other things exist too?” I quickly brought up, trying to get my facts straight while at the same time changing the topic.

“Yeah. Pretty much. But the thing is. Most of you guys change into wolves before you reach the age of seven. Nine at the latest. And if you mean fairies and centaurs then yes. But if you’re talking about Santa and the Easter Bunny, no. Caspian. Don’t think that I didn’t know you were avoiding the question. Now, tell me why were you with Ms Fox.”

 “I don’t know. I have no idea what’s going on in my life. All these weird things that keeps occurring, things that I can’t explain. And during this time you’re worried about why I was with a crazy bitch of a teacher in the woods? I never asked for any of this! Okay? All of these things, just because of my dad. My dad who left my mother and me when I was only three. I don’t want any part of what ever this is. Now I find out that apparently he was killed because of who he was? Please Rachel. Cut me some slack…”

I tried to fight back the tears but I couldn’t hold them back. This was the second time I had broken down because of my dad. The first time was when I had to create a family tree in primary school. Looking at all the other happy families, and then back at mine which was never full. I didn’t want my family to be broken. Ever since then I got stronger, but I guess I was still not strong enough. Salty tears rolled down my rosy cheeks as I held my eyes shut. I didn’t want Rachel to think I was weak. I rubbed the tears away as Rachel placed her soft hands on my leg.

“Caspian. I’m sure things will work out. I don’t know how but they will.”

“I hope you’re right.”

I clutched her hand tight as I stared into her eyes with mine that were red and sore. I placed my lips on her as I kissed her gently before lying down on the couch with Rachel safely tucked underneath my arms. Even with all the problems that were going on, it seemed that just being with Rachel made everything better. I hugged her tighter as I closed my eyes. Even though this moment seemed perfect I wanted to sleep quickly before I got an awkward boner from the position. Sometimes snake junior had a mind of its own. As comforting as it felt hugging Rachel, I had a bunch of her hair in my face which seemed to spoil the moment. I sighed. “First World Problems.” 


Okay guys! Firstly! I know it's been quite a while since I uploaded (like....  a few months) but I've been busy as! School work and stuff. But since it's summer right now I have nothing much to do and I'm hoping to add a few more great chapters to this story. I know this chapter is kinda short but I felt the need to still put it up anyways. If I feel that it lacks detail I will edit to try and make it more enticing. 

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