Chapter Nine

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I arrive to my hotel room in Busan and unpack my bags. I sit down in the living room part of the room waiting for a message from anyone in the SJ Agency. Somebody knocks on my door, so I get up and go over to it. I look through the peephole and see Jayeon and Kiran.

I open the door and stare at them. "What are you guys doing here?" I inquire. I thought it was just suppose to be everyone in the agency here this weekend — they should be at home.

"We wanted to help you get ready for the auction," Kiran says.

"I can do that myself and the auction is two days from now," I say.

"And we'll help you two days from now," Kiran says.

"We want you show up to the event and make Yunho jealous of what he lost years ago," Jayeon adds.

The two girls walk into my hotel room and sit on my couch. They smile at me and wave me over to join them. I shut the door and go over to them. I still can't believe they're here.

Jayeon stares at Kiran and I. "I have something to tell you guys," she says.

Those words make Kiran's ears perk up and she looks towards Jayeon. I follow suit and stare at the black haired girl.

"You guys know how Sungmin and I have been trying to have a kid for a while now," she starts off.

Kiran and I glance at each other and then back to Jayeon. We nod our heads furiously at her.

"I think I'm pregnant."

Kiran begins to cheer and clap out pure happiness. I just smile at her.

"Did you take a pregnancy test?" I ask.

"No, but I have been having symptoms."

Kiran stands up. "I will buy you a pregnancy test." Without a second thought, the foreign girl exits my hotel room.

Jayeon and I stay and continue to talk about the possibility of her being pregnant. If she is pregnant, then I will be so happy for her because I know that her and Sungmin will make the best parents ever.

As we wait for Kiran to return, I receive a call from her. "Where are you?" I ask as soon as I answer it.

"I'm afraid that the boys will see me with the test and question me. I need you to cause a distraction for me," she says.

"There's eleven of them and only one of me," I state.

"They're all hanging out together in Leeteuk's and my room. You just have to keep them there for like fifteen to thirty minutes."

"How far away are you?"

"Not far away, I'm just not sure how long this process will take. Stay there for thirty minutes just incase."

"Fine. Goodbye." I hang up the call and look at Jayeon.


"I am going to distract the boys so they don't leave the room that they're in and you two will do the pregnancy test while I'm gone."


I grab my face mask, put it on, slip my phone into my pocket and put on my shoes. I head over to Leeteuk's room and knock on the door. The door opens and it's Eunhyuk staring at me.

"How may I help you?" He wonders.

"Can I hang out with you guys?" I wonder.

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