Chapter Twenty-five: Third person

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Yunho and the others begin to pack up everything in the abandon building. They run around the building grabbing everything they own. Byunghee sits on the bed as she listens to the commotion. She knows what they're doing and she doesn't like it. She begins to feel unwell at the thought of never being resecued by anyone.

"Eunhyuk promised," Byunghee keeps reminding herself.

She hears Yunho yell something to the others and not too long after that, the door to her room opens. Changmin comes over to her and removes the handcuff from the bedframe. He puts it around her wrist and Byunghee stares at him.

"What's going on?" Byunghee wonders.

"That doesn't concern you. Just, keep quiet and do everything I say."

Changmin puts a blindfold around her eyes and guides her down the stairs. Yunho directs Changmin to put Byunghee in the car and wait for everyone else in the car. Changmin begins to usher Byunghee out to the car and seats her in the back.

"Changmin, what's happening?" She wonders.

"What did I tell you? Keep quiet."

"Bae Youngjin and Yunho are working together to take my company from me, aren't they?"

"Shut up, Byunghee," Changmin growls.

"Tell me if I'm right or not and I will," she demands.

"I'm not allowed to tell you, so shut up."

Byunghee groans and keeps her mouth shut, she knows she won't pull anything out of him. She must me right though, that's the only thing that makes sense as to why they teamed up together.

Byunghee sits in the van waiting for it to move or to be saved from the life Youngjin and Yunho have setup for her — mostly for the latter.

"Changmin, your help is needed in the building," Junsu says.

"What about her?" He gestures to Byunghee.

"Yunho will take care of her. Now, come in to help."

Changmin leaves the van and goes in to help with whatever they need.

SJ Agency and the police get to the abandon building as a van pulls out. Three cars follow the van as the rest search the premises of the abandon building.

Kangin carefully enters the building and searches every area he passes. He makes it to the main area of the building and four people are waiting for them to show up. One of the four boys wave to SJ Agents and the police.

"Where's Jung Yunho and So Byunghee?" Kangin asks.

"Not here," one answers.

"They left as you guys came in," another says.

"Well, all of you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law," Officer Zhou says. He and some other officers begin to cuff Yunho's four accomplices. They continue to repeat their rights as they walk out to some police cars.

"Is it really just the four of them there?" Ryeowook wonders in Kangin's ear.

"It seems like it. Do you know where the others are heading?" Kangin asks.

"I don't know and neither do the others here. Just head to the police station and wait there."

Kangin groans and then agrees. "I hope they can catch them."

"You and everyone else in this room."

Ryeowook sighs once he knows that Kangin is heading to the police station. He runs his hands through his light brunet hair. He just like everyone else in the room.

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