Chapter Thirteen: Third person

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Yunho walks away from Byunghee and outside to the courtyard of the Dance Hall. Changmin walks over to him and slips a piece of paper into his pocket. Once Changmin leaves the courtyard, Yunho takes out the piece of paper.

'We have the package.'

Yunho smirks as he puts the small paper back into his pocket. He sits down on the bench and takes in the beautiful sight of the garden. He stares at these pretty blue flowers.

"I bet Byunghee would love it here, she use to love to go to flower gardens with me," he mumbles to himself.

The door opens and in walks a worker, Ryeowook. "Sir, they're about to serve the appetizers," he informs.

"I'll be right in."

Ryeowook nods as he leaves the courtyard. Yunho glances at the glass door, his eyes combs through the crowd to find Byunghee and he finds her. She talking to Youngjin and introducing the two boys to him.

"I have to get her away from everyone at the auction. Changmin better have set everything up in here for later," he comments.

Yunho gets up from the bench and goes back into the auction. He begins to go around the room chatting with people and making new connections. One of the workers stop by him and offer a glass of Champagne. Yunho's brown eyes look over his face, takes one and hops back into the conversation.

As he goes from person to person, he meets back up with Changmin. "She brought backup," he whispers.

"How many?"

"The two people she brought, but there could be more."

"She really wants those documents back," Yunho comments.

"Too bad she won't get them back tonight."

"Too bad."

The two boys walk off to chat with someone else. Yunho looks for one person in particular, he finds him and saunters off in his direction.

"Yunho, you made it," Youngjin says. "Have you talked to Byunghee yet?"

"I talked to her when I first entered," he says.

"Have you met the friends she brought? Both very strapping boys."

"I had a quick encounter with one of them earlier. Is she dating one of them?" He inquires.

"No, she says that they're just friends. Personally, I don't believe it. Byunghee is so pretty and a great person, anyone would be lucky to have her." Youngjin thinks about what he just said and apologizes to Yunho. "I'm sorry, I know that you two broke and you probably don't want to hear this."

"It's okay. I agree with you, she's such a wonderful person. Byunghee is beautiful inside and out. Too bad I messed it up with her," Yunho says. His heart begins to ache at the memory of the day they broke up.

"Let's move away from that touchy subject," Youngjin suggests.

"That's sounds great."

"How's everything with you?"

"Great, actually. My business has been doing pretty great lately."

"That's good to hear," a soft voice says.

Youngjin and Yunho glance behind the creator of this event and see Byunghee standing there with Siwon next to her. She smiles at the two men chatting with one another.

"I'm sorry, but I overheard that your business is doing good and I'm glad to hear that," Byunghee says.

"It is pretty good news," Youngjin comments.

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