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"I'm sorry Jiminie. I shouldn't have gambled my rent money."

"It's fine but what will we do now?"

The two boys stood in front of the apartment complex. Each a suitcase next to them with clothes and some belongings they managed to pack before the owner of the flat had kicked them out. Namjoon didn't pay the last two rent, so the renting lady decided to take away his beloved home until he'll repay. Meaning he and his cousin had no place to stay over. 

Sighing the taller got out his phone dialing a number. A taxi soon was holding in front of them. In utter confusion Jimin got in the car followed by Namjoon who quickly told the driver the address they want to head to. The taxi stopped a short drive after, and the driver helped the cousins to get their luggage out of the car. As soon as Namjoon paid him the guy drove away.

"Hey babe. Funny coincidence could you host two homeless people?"

A sleep drunken Hoseok faced the two boy's, a hint of annoyance readable in his eyes. 

"Joonie I told you already my apartment is too small for one person." 

Jimin felt uncomfortable to look at the half naked boy in front of him who was apparently his cousin's boyfriend. They've meet before yet Jimin was still too shy to greet him. A slight feeling of guilt creeped up in the blonde's mind as he saw the tiered expression on Hoseok's face. 

Obviously, they caused him to wake up as they rung all of the sudden at his flat door. 

"Pretty please." Jimin looked up at his cousin who was pretty much begging his boyfriend. 

"It would be only for two weeks then I'll get paid."

Sighing Hoseok ruffled his hair. "Fine one of you can stay." 

Shock stood in Namjoon's eyes at the remark of the younger even though he knew it was his only possibility to offer. 

"I-It's fine I-I'll find a place to stay don't worry." Jimin motioned his hands a little to visualize he would be alright if Namjoon stays at Hoseok's place instead of him. It was his cousin's boyfriend after all. 

"No Jiminie I won't let you leave without a place to stay. You'll live with Hoseok and I'll find something. I could stay at a hotel or whatever." Hoseok sighed once more obviously impatient since he wanted to go back to the sleep he'd been craving for since his work was stressing him way too much. 

"With which money are you planning to rent a hotel room?"

"How about we ask Taehyung if he could bare another person. Like you said it would be two weeks only and he and Jimin seemed to get along quiet well." Hoseok questioned after a while as he couldn't stand anymore how the two boys kept on telling that they be the one sleeping outside. Even though he had another plan in his head as he spoke the suggestion. 

"Let's just bring Jimin to Taehyung then he can't decline." The oldest said while he got dressed taking his car keys with him. 

"We? Can't you drive Jimin alone?" Namjoon whined as he made himself comfortable at his boyfriend's bed, already half asleep. 

"Yes, we I won't leave you alone in my flat ever again since last time I had no door anymore." Hoseok scoffed leaving Jimin, who didn't say a single word about the plan, behind in confusion.

 The blond wasn't daring to protest since he didn't want to make things unnecessarily complicated. So, the three of them arrived at Taehyung's place. Shortly after they found themselves in front of Taehyung's door. Hoseok gently knocked before he pulled out the key Taehyung poorly hide and opened his flat.


The door swung open, revealing a shocked Taehyung standing in the midway of the room. Staring at the three people in disbelief the brown haired couldn't form a proper sentence.

"Jimin and Joonie are homeless could Jimin stay at your place for two weeks until my boyfriend payed back his debts." Hoseok asked the still irritated male sweetly. Taehyung's eyes shifted from his friend to Jimin who was looking anywhere else but him due the embarrassment spreading in his body. 

Actually, Taehyung wasn't in the mood for being with anybody right now thanks to the curtain circumstances which had occurred, but he had never been able to reject Hoseok's requests. Sighing he turned his attention back at the bright smiling male in front of him.


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