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The awkward silence between them made Taehyung nervous. He hated it when nobody would talk and normally he is the person to break the ice and start rambling about meaningless stuff. But this time was different. Jimin and him walked back home after the elder saw him with Jungkook and he actually prepared himself for scolding or any kind of madness from Jimin. But no, nothing. The elder didn't even look mad. He looked straight forward with a normal expression, seemingly not noticing the awkward tension. Or ignoring it. And it made Taehyung even more nervous. Is he just trying to make me feel safe and then when we're home starting to yell at me? For a moment he thought that Jimin maybe didn't see Jungkook, but that couldn't be. The elder was his stalker for God's sake, of course he saw with who he was. Taehyung's mouth opened and closed many times, always trying to say something but then thinking it won't be a good idea. As he opened his mouth to talk this time he surprisingly heard a sound. But it didn't came out of his mouth. "Tae! Jimin! Wait for me." They both turned around and spotted Jungkook running towards them. Taehyung quickly side glanced at Jimin and saw him slightly rolling his eyes. "Were you guys heading home?" Jungkook reached them and stood infront of them a bit out of breath. "Yeah." Jimin answered before Tae had a chance. "Oh okay.. I actually just wanted to borrow Tae for a while." He grinned a bit embarrassed. Taehyung's eyes widened since he didn't think Jungkook wanted to have a talk as well. "I really need to talk to you." The younger looked guilty. Taehyung looked at Jimin as if waiting for him to deny Jungkook's request but that didn't happen. Instead Jimin said something that made Tae almost choke on his own spit. "Sure.. you can have him." His voice was quiet and totally different from what Tae was used to the last time. "I'll walk ahead, okay..?" Jimin looked at Tae questioning but the male didn't understand anything anymore. "Y-Yeah sure.." He still looked rather confused. Jimin nodded his head slightly and started walking again, leaving Jungkook and Tae alone. Taehyung looked after the elder and forgot for a moment that Jungkook was standing behind him, his thoughts were all about Jimin and what's going to happen once he gets home. "Tae?" He turned around to face the younger. "I'm so sorry.." Normally Taehyung wouldn't trust a simple 'sorry' but Jungkook's face was showing the truth. He felt guilty for ignoring his best friend for so long without saying anything. Tae didn't even notice that he was sunken in thoughts again but the tear that rolled down Jk's face made him snapping out of it. The younger barely cried so it made his sorry even more believable. He didn't know what came over him but he just hugged Jungkook, embracing him in his arms felt like the best thing to do now. The younger hugged him back, gripping onto his shirt tightly. They hugged for a good minute and when Jungkook pulled away he saw that the elder was crying. The younger felt panic rise and quickly cupped Taehyung's face with both hands, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. "God please don't cry.. I can't see you crying.." Jungkook caressed his cheeks giving him a slight smile of assurance. The elder smiled back and started to wipe his tears away on his own now. "Sorry I got emotional for a second." He chuckled a bit and Jungkook did too. Both just smiled at each other, staring into each others eyes. They didn't need much words to know what was going on, everything got said with their gaze. Jungkook knew that Taehyung was happy that they talked again and that he also felt bad for not attempting a conversation earlier. And Taehyung knew that Jungkook felt guilty too but also relieved now that they can finally be like friends again. Jungkook wanted to say something again and explain why he did what he did but Tae stopped him. "You don't need to tell me why. All I need to know is that you're not going to leave me again." He smiled. "I won't. Promise." Jungkook held up his hand and streched out his pinky. Taehyung chuckled but linked his pinky with Jungkook's. "Promise." He looked up and smiled as well.
They both walked a bit together since Jungkook lived not far away from Tae. They talked about some stuff that happened in the last weeks. Well actually it was mostly Jungkook talking since Taehyung couldn't tell what happened the last weeks, too afraid of what Jimin would do to Jungkook when he found out that he spilled the truth. Happily Jungkook didn't seem to really notice and just talked about his family. When they reached his house they hugged again and the younger got inside, waving Tae before he closed the door and the elder walked away. Jungkook was a good distraction from what would happen once he got home but now he's not here anymore. Tae bit his lip and pushed the thoughts aside, still having about 10 minutes to walk. He'd deal with that when it's time, for now he wanted to just think about Jungkook and their talk, feeling a little smile creeping it's way onto his face.

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