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It was a quiet afternoon in Riverdale. It was freezing cold outside. Most people stayed at home these days. There were warnings because of the frozen streets and Christmas was coming up.

But none of this stopped the Bulldogs from their usual training. Archie Andrews just returned home from a long and hard football practice.

He threw his bag into a corner of his room and took off his shirt. Suddenly, his phone started to ring.He looked at the caller ID and saw it was Veronica, his girlfriend.

„Ronnie, hey", he greeted her.„Archie, please come over", she whimpered.„Ronnie, what's wrong?" she sounded weak and exhausted.„I'm not feeling well, please, can you come?" she begged.„I'll be there in a sec, just hold on", he said and hung up.

He threw on another shirt and hurried down the stairs. He grabbed his dad's car keys and jumped into the car. He drove over to the Pembrooke, probably speeding a little more than allowed but his mind was only focused on Veronica.

Meanwhile Veronica was sat on the floor of her bathroom, clutching over the toilet bowl. It was the third time this week she had thrown up and now she had cramps. Maybe Cheryl's practice had been a little hard.

She pushed herself to stand up and instantly regretted it when a sharp pain spread through her head and blurred her vision. She whimpered, covering her forehead with her hands. She sunk to the floor once more, leaning back on the tub. It felt like her head would burst any second. She just sat there, resting her head in her hands.

After what felt like eternity, Archie arrived at the Pembrooke. He made his way into the lobby and went straight into the elevator. The doors opened and Archie sprinted towards her room. He looked around before he opened the door and disappeared in Veronica's room.

He looked around but she was nowhere to be seen. The bathroom, he thought and walked over to the white door leading to Veronica's bathroom. He opened the door to find her curled up on the floor with her head in her hands, whimpering.

He crouched down next to her and rubbed her back gently.„Ronnie,what's wrong?" he asked softly. Veronica just whimpered and buried her head deeper in her hands.

He picked her up and carried her to her bed. Veronica buried her head in his chest. He laid her down on the bed and sat down next to her, placing an arm around her.

„What happened?" he asked.„I threw up again, I had cramps all day and now my head hurts like hell", she murmured.„I'll look for some pain killers", Archie said and got up. Minutes later, he came back and handed her a pill along with a glass of water. She swallowed the pill and emptied the glass.

„Thanks", she said in a weak voice.„You should get some rest", he said and crawled up onto the bed. Veronica crawled up next to him and buried her face in his chest once more, closing her eyes.„I love you", he whispered before she drifted off to sleep. He sat like that for a while when the door opened and Veronica's parents walked in. Her dad looked a little angry and Archie just signaled for them to be quiet.

„What are you doing here?" Hiram asked.„Veronica called me, she didn't feel well ",Archie explained.„What's wrong with her?"Hermione asked.„She told me she's been throwing up the last few days, she had cramps and headaches and was really sleepy", Archie replied.„She probably has a stomach bug and it's gonna be alright in a few days", Hermione sighed.

„We'll leave you alone, Veronica seems to need some company right now", Hiram said and they left the room. Archie sighed in relief as he pulled her closer to his chest. Veronica started to stir and her eyes fluttered open.„Archie?" she asked sleepily.„Everything's alright, your parents just came to check up on you. They said I can stay", he told her. Veronica smiled slightly and snuggled up to him.

„Are you feeling better?" he asked.„The pain isn't that strong anymore and it seems to get better", she answered.„I probably just have a stomach bug", she added.„Do you wanna eat anything?Or drink?" he asked.„No, no, I'm fine. Just please don't go", Veronica said.„I won't Ronnie", he said and kissed her forehead.„I'll never leave you", he promised her. Veronica smiled and gave him a light peck on the lips.„I love you", she whispered and laid her head down on his chest.

Only minutes later she was asleep again. Archie couldn't help but wonder if it was really just a stomach bug. Veronica usually never got sick. But he decided to give it some time. If she wouldn't get better he would take her to the doctor.

But for now she seemed fine. Archie watched her sleeping on his chest peacefully, snoring lightly. She was all his. His princess, soulmate and simply his everything. And before he knew, he had fallen asleep too.

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