Telling the news

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The next day, she woke up in his arms, a warm and loving feeling consuming her body. This had always been her favorite way to wake up.

She snuggled closer to his chest, not wanting to get up yet and neither wanting to go to school.
He opened his eyes slowly, looking down at her.„Sleepy, are we?"he mocked her.„Annoying, are we?" she shot back.

He kissed her head gently and wrapped his arms around her protectively.„Did you sleep well?"he asked. She simply nodded. They had a meeting with Jughead and Betty for breakfast at Pops so they had to get up early.

„ you think we should tell them?" Veronica asked, referring to her pregnancy.„I think we should do that as soon as possible. At some point they'll find out anyways", Archie replied.„So today?"„Today", he agreed. They got dressed after Veronica complained about getting up for another 10 minutes and walked into the dining room where Veronicas parents were currently having breakfast.

„Good Morning Mija, Archie", they said.„Morning", they replied.„Where are you going?" Hiram asked.„To Pops, breakfast with Betty and Jughead", Veronica replied.„Have fun, darling ", Hermione said as they left. Veronica smiled at her mom and then closed the door. They headed to Pops where the other couple was already waiting.

„Hey, you alright again V?" Betty asked a little concerned. „Well, about that...we have to make an announcement ", Veronica stuttered.„You're pregnant, aren't you?" Jughead asked. Veronica stared at him blankly. „How'd you know?" she stuttered.„It was kinda obvious. You know, the words you chose and the symptoms...", he replied.„Wait, wait, wait....let me get this straight. You two...are having a baby?" Betty asked, still shocked by the news.„Yes, Betty. Me and Ronnie are having a baby", Archie answered.„OMG, I can't believe this happened...especially to you two", Betty said surprised.

„So what did your parents say? I bet daddy Lodge wanted to kill you", Jughead mocked.„He actually hugged me", Veronica replied. She couldn't hold back a laugh at Jugheads confused face.„He...what?" he asked in confusion.„He hugged me and agreed when mom said mistakes happen and it won't help to blame me", Veronica explained.„That's weird", Jughead stated. They all laughed.

„But're gonna be parents in 9 months. You have to tell Kev. A mini Varchie, he's gonna freak out", Betty chuckled.„We'll tell Choni, Kev, Moose, Reggie and Josie soon but we wanna keep it from the others so please don't tell anyone ", Veronica begged.„We won't, our lips are sealed", Betty promised.

They finished breakfast and headed to school then. They agreed that Ronnie would tell the girls and Archie the boys. The first one Archie took was Kevin. He'd definitely be happy. Before the first lesson, he dragged him into an empty classroom. „Hey Archie, what's up?" Kevin questioned.„I have news", Archie said.„Sounds serious", Kevin commented.„Well...Ronnie's pregnant."„Wait...a Varchie baby? O.M.G best news ever", he squealed.„I know but keep it to yourself, alright?" Archie asked.„Promise", Kevin said.

Meanwhile, Veronica was in another classroom accompanied by Cheryl and Toni.„So what did you wanna talk about?" Toni asked.„Okay, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone", Veronica pleaded.„Pinky promise", the couple said.„Well....I'm pregnant ", she stated.„WOW", Cheryl said.„Wow indeed", Toni agreed.„Yeah..", Veronica replied.„I wonder what daddy Lodge said", Cheryl smirked.„He just hugged me", Veronica chuckled.„That's kinda...", Cheryl began.„Not what I expected ", Toni finished.

Now there were already 10 people who knew about their little secret. 5 more to go...well, 6 considering Archie's mom. Veronica had English in first period while Archie was stuck in chemistry, not able to get his mind off his raven haired princess. Veronica meanwhile was suffering in English. Headaches came and went away every now and then and she was tired.

When the bell rang, they both rushed out of their classrooms to meet each other minutes later at their usual lunch table.„Hey Ronnie, how was English?" Archie asked, placing a kiss on her cheek.„Ugh, pretty much headaches and tiredness", Veronica groaned.„Chemistry wasn't great either. What do you want for lunch?" he asked, getting up to get their lunch.„I'm not hungry", she shrugged.„Ronnie, you have to eat something", Archie tried to convince her.„Please Archiekiens, I don't wanna discuss this now", Veronica sighed tiredly.

Archie let it go and got himself lunch. When he returned, Betty and Jughead had arrived too as well as Kevin. He sat down next to Ronnie again and she leaned on his shoulder.

„Are you okay?" Jughead asked her.„Hmmm", Veronica murmured sleepily.„Shouldn't you eat something? "Betty asked. Veronica just sighed deeply, not wanting to discuss that.„She isn't hungry ", Archie said.„You look pale and exhausted", Kevin noticed.„Thanks Kev, really", Veronica said in an ironic voice.„I'm sorry. What I meant to say is are you sure you want to stay at school today? I mean none of us would judge if you ditched last period", he clarified.„Seriously, I'm fine guys. I have to admit I'm not at my best right now but I have to get through this", she replied.

After lunch, they all went to their classes. Veronica had maths where she gladly was sitting next to Archie. Archie was also quite glad about that since he was pretty worried about her and just wanted to make sure she was alright. That day, math seemed to last eternally long. When they finally finished, they decided to go to Archie's. Veronica texted her mom and they walked home, hand in hand.

When they arrived, they were greeted by Fred making lunch.„Hello Mister Andrews", Veronica greeted him with a smile.„You know you can call me Fred", he told her with a smile that she returned.„How has work been?"Archie asked.„Same as usual. What about school?"his dad questioned.„Quite good for me. I told Kevin about the whole pregnancy thing and Ronnie talked to Toni and Cheryl", Archie answered.„I'm just tired. I could've literally slept all day", Veronica said yawning.

„Well, lunch is ready and you can catch some sleep afterwards ", Fred said. Veronica and Archie sat down at the table and Fred served his famous pasta with tomato sauce. After lunch, the couple went up to Archie's room where Veronica immediately fell onto Archie's bed groaning.

„Come cuddle ", Veronica begged her boyfriend.„Ronnie I have a bunch of homework to do", he complained.„You can do it in bed so I can snuggle up to you", she suggested.„Fine", he gave in. He got his books, a notebook and a pen and crawled up on his bed with Veronica immediately snuggling into his arms. He kissed her forehead and began doing his homework. In a matter of seconds, Veronica was fast asleep with her head in his lap.

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