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It was finally Friday. Their last schoolday before Christmas break. In the meantime, they had filled Reggie, Josie and Moose in on their recent discovery. Even though Veronica had been sick a couple of times during school, nobody suspected anything. Today, they had their first check–up appointment and Veronica was beyond nervous even though Archie kept telling her everything was fine.

After a long schoolday, they headed straight to the doctor. After a short check–in, they were guided to a room. Veronica laid down on the stretcher in the middle of the room and Archie sat in a chair right by her side, holding her hand.

„I can't believe this is actually happening ", Veronica said, excitement filling her voice.„I know, it's crazy", Archie said and kissed her cheek. A few minutes later, the doctor walked in.

„Hello, I'm Miss Glades. You must be Veronica and I assume you're the father ", she said motioning to Archie.„Yeah, I'm Archie", he introduced himself.„Okay, so we'll just do an ultrasound today and then you have to come about once a month", the doctor told them.

Veronica pulled up her shirt and the doctor spilled some cold gel on her still flat stomach. After moving the ultrasound around for a sec, she started explaining everything.

„Here's your baby. Everything's fine, you're about 4 weeks along. Do you want some prints?"„Yes, please", Veronica answered, still staring at the screen in awe. The doctor left to get the prints while Veronica cleaned herself up and got dressed again. „The thought of a human being growing inside of me is honestly crazy, don't u think?" she asked her boyfriend.„Crazy. But a good and exciting kind of crazy", he smiled.

The doctor gave them the prints and they got a new appointment for next month. Then they headed back to the Pembrooke. When they walked into the Penthouse, they were greeted by Veronicas parents playing a game of chess.

„Hello Mija. What did the doctor say?"her dad asked.„She said everything's perfectly fine and that I'm about 4 weeks along. We have a new appointment next month", she told them.„Good, I'm glad everything's fine", Hermione said, smiling at her daughter. Veronica flashed her a smile before wandering off to her bedroom with Archie following her.

She sat down on her bed, immediately starting to type something on her phone.„Are you texting Betty?"Archie asked curiously.„Nope, just an old friend", she replied.„Do I know that friend?"he questioned.„No, I used to meet her a lot before I moved to Riverdale", Veronica explained.

„I wanna know more about that mysterious girl", he said, chuckling lightly.„Okay, so her parents used to be my parents lawyers and when they had business to discuss, she watched over me. That's pretty much it ", Veronica replied.

„Hmmm so anything you wanna do today? It's almost Christmas", he asked.„I have everything done for Christmas so not really", she answered, putting her phone on her nightstand.„What do you think about if we visit my dad and help him decorate for Christmas?"Archie suggested.„Sounds great. Imma get changed and then we can leave", she said and kissed his cheek.

Veronica quickly got changed into a black skirt and a burgundy coloured shirt. When she walked out of her closet, Archie couldn't help but stare, admiring her beauty.„What?"she asked laughing.„You're just stunning ", he said, grabbing her by the waist and kissing her lightly.„I love you", she whispered.„I love you too", he answered.

They drove over to the Andrews house. When they walked in, they were greeted by Fred, searching through a mess of boxes.„Hey dad", Archie said and hugged him.„Hello son, Veronica", he said and hugged Veronica.„Anything we can help with?"Veronica asked.„I'm searching for the Christmas tree balls but I have no idea where to search ", Fred chuckled.

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