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The next morning he woke up alone. He looked around to see Veronica getting dressed in a dark blue shirt and black skirt. He couldn't help but smile at her beauty. He got up and walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.„Morning Archiekins",Veronica smirked.„Morning beautiful", he replied.„Come on,we've gotta get ready for school", she said and closed the zipper of her skirt. Archie threw on a shirt and jeans he always left at Veronica's.

Veronica started to apply some light make up along with lipgloss and then put on her pearls.„Can you help me over here, Archiekins?"she asked sweetly, holding up her pearl necklace. He walked over to her and put the necklace around her neck, closing it easily. He placed a soft kiss on her neck and Veronica smiled softly in response.„Come on, time for breakfast", she said and dragged Archie out of her room. Her parents were already sat at the table.„Are you feeling better, Mija?"her dad asked.„Yes daddy, I'm fine", Veronica answered, forcing a smile on her face.

They ate in silence. After breakfast, Veronica and Archie headed to school. Hand in hand they walked through the hallway to their friends.„Morning B, Jughead", Veronica greeted them.„Varchie", they said in sync. They chuckled and sat down on the couch opposite of Betty and Jughead.„You guys look tired", Betty said.„Just a long night", Veronica sighed and leaned into Archie.„Awww", Betty mocked.„Shut up Betty, she's been sick", Archie defended her.

„Really? Sick? V?" Betty was confused, Veronica was never sick.„Yes, Betty. For once in my life and never again", Veronica chuckled. The bell rang and everyone wandered off to class. They all went separate ways until they met again at lunch. Everyone was eating except for Veronica who just leaned on Archie's shoulder, staring at her food.„V, what's wrong?",Betty asked, looking at her friend suspiciously.„I'm not really hungry, I'm just tired", she half yawned. Archie wrapped an arm around her and Veronica snuggled up to his shoulder.

„You still seem sick, you should probably go home", Betty said a little worried.„I'm gonna take her home", Archie offered.„No, I'm fine",Veronica yawned when another headache hit her. She winced a little, holding her head. Luckily, it wasn't as bad as the day before and just seconds after, it passed.„I'll take you home, Ronnie. You're exhausted, come on", Archie said and helped her up. He walked her to the car and opened the door for her. Veronica climbed into the car while Archie slid into the drivers place.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the Pembrooke. Archie guided her to the elevator and through the apartment to her room. Luckily, her parents weren't home so nobody would ask questions. Veronica changed into one of Archie's shirts and crawled into her bed. Archie crawled up next to her and wrapped his arms around her.„You need to go back to school", Veronica said sleepily.„No, I'll stay with you. You're more important", Archie said and placed a kiss to her forehead.

Veronica slowly drifted off to sleep and Archie watched her sleeping. He got up quietly to get himself a glass of water from the kitchen. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw Hiram sitting at the table.„Archie, what are you doing here? Don't you have school?" he asked.„Yeah but Veronica was too tired, she still seems a little sick so I brought her home. She's sleeping now", Archie explained.„Good. Thank you for taking care of her", Hiram said.

„Always, Sir",Archie replied and slipped back into Veronica's room. She was still sleeping peacefully so he laid down next to her again and wrapped his arms around her. Veronica's lips curled up into a gentle smile and she snuggled closer. She slept for hours until a wave of nausea woke her. She jumped out of her bed and ran towards the bathroom. Archie didn't even notice it, he was deeply asleep himself.
After throwing up for a whole 5 minutes, Veronica climbed back under the sheets. She snuggled up to Archie and started thinking.

Was she really just sick? Or was there another reason? That couldn't be true. She couldn't be pregnant...or could she? That would change her life completely. It would ruin everything. But she needed to know. Maybe she should ask Betty for help, she couldn't do this alone. But she was also fearing Betty starting to ask questions. She started to roll around in bed, trying to wrap her head around this. Archie woke up from his girlfriend rolling from one side to another.„Hey, Ronnie calm down", he tried to calm her and pulled her close.

„I'm sorry I woke you", she sighed.„What are you thinking about?" he asked.„Oh nothing, really. I'm just stressed at the moment", she said.„I'm just gonna get myself a glass of water", she said and forced a smile on her face. She walked out of the room and into the kitchen.„Mija", she heard her fathers voice.„Daddy", she replied.„Archie said you're still sick", he stated.„Yeah, I probably took things a little too fast. I'll just need a little rest", she answered, trying to convince not only him but herself.

She poured herself a glas of water and walked back to her room. Archie was looking at her as she walked through the door.„What have you really been thinking about?I know it wasn't nothing", Veronica sighed and sat down on the bed.

„Nothing serious, really", she tried to avoid it.„Ronnie, stop lying to me", Archie sighed and wrapped an arm around her.„What if I'm not just sick?" she whispered.„What do you mean if you're not just sick?" Archie was confused.

„Archie, I know this is just assuming but what..what if....if...I'm pregnant ", she stuttered. Archie looked at her in shock. He didn't even think about that. Veronica started to tear up and salty tears found their ways down her cheeks. Archie pulled her in for a hug while she sobbed silently.„Ronnie, I promise you I won't leave your side ", he promised her. „But Archie, a child would change everything. My parents would kill me", she sobbed.„You have to stay calm, we don't know anything yet ", he tried to calm her.

„I need to know", she said, seeming to have calmed down.„I agree but we should wait til tomorrow, it's already a little late ", he reasoned.„Yeah, tomorrow we'll find out", she sighed and snuggled into his arms.

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