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When Veronica woke up the next morning, she was surprised as to why Archie wasn't next to her. She grabbed her phone and saw that it was just 7 am. Where could Archie possibly be? Just then, the door opened and Archie walked in.

„Where were you?" she asked, stretching out her arms for a hug.„I just went to the grocery store...I thought since you wanted to find out, I'd get a test", he said and put a small white bag on Veronicas nightstand.„Archie, I'm scared", she said, fear filling her voice.„Ronnie, it'll be alright either way. I'll stay with you, no matter what and your parents will just have to accept it and same goes for mine", Archie tried to calm her.„But you know my parents, they'd freak out", Veronica claimed.„We should be sure before worrying about something that probably isn't true at all", Archie said and kissed her cheek. „Okay...I'll be back", Veronica said and walked into her bathroom with the bag in her hand.

10 minutes later, she walked back out with tearstained cheeks. Archie immediately walked up to her and pulled her into a hug.„Archie....I'm....we were right", she sobbed hysterically.„Shhh, it'll be okay", Archie soothed and kissed her head. He pulled her onto her bed, trying to calm her.

After a while, Veronica seemed to have calmed down.„I need to tell my parents", she said blankly.„I won't let you do this alone", Archie said.„Archiekiens, I have to do this alone and you have to tell your dad, probably call your mom. I'll be fine", she promised.„Only if you promise me you'll call me afterwards and I can come back tonight. Cause I won't leave your side for the next 9 months", Archie said protectively.„I will, I promise. Now go, I have to figure out how to do this", she sighed and placed a short kiss on his lips. „See you later", he said and walked out the door .

For the next hour, Veronica sat in her room, trying to find a way to tell her parents the news. She was more than scared of their reaction. She finally gathered all her courage and walked out of her room. Her parents were just having dinner.„Mija, come sit with us. You must be hungry", Hermione said.„No, thanks mom. I'm really not hungry. But I have to talk to you. It's important ", she said and sat down across from her parents.„What's wrong?" her dad asked.„So you know how I've been sick these past days", she started.„Yeah, are you alright now?" he asked.„Yes, daddy. I'm fine. But the thing is...I wasn't really sick", she said, her voice starting to break.„Are you telling us you just wanted to ditch school?" her mother asked.

„No, mom. Not really...what I'm trying to say is...", she took a deep breath.„I'm pregnant ." Her parents looked at her in shock.„Veronica", her mom said shocked.„I'm sorry, okay. I really am", Veronica sobbed.„Hey, it's okay", her mom said and hugged her. Veronica just sobbed into her shoulder. And then her dad did something Veronica never expected. He got up and stood in front of her. Veronica looked up at him, her eyes filled with fear. And then...he hugged her. Veronica was at a loss of words. That was the least she expected him to do.

But in that very moment, she was just glad. She was glad her parents weren't mad. Glad they were there for her. And glad that Archie was there.
Meanwhile, Archie was trying to tell his dad. They were sitting in the kitchen, eating pizza when Archie finally knew what to say.„Dad, there's something I need to tell you", he said.„Go ahead", Fred replied.„So...Veronica was sick these past few days...pretty sick", he said.„Is she better now?"his dad asked.„Oh yeah, she's fine now. But what I meant to say is...she wasn't just sick. Dad...Ronnie's pregnant ", Archie said. He looked at his dad with worry.

„You're going to be a dad?" he asked, still as calm as before. „Yes, dad", Archie said, unsure wether his dad was mad or not.„Well, congratulations son", Fred said and patted his back. That was when all tense left his body and a smile crept up on his face. He wasn't mad.

„Did you tell Hiram and Hermione yet?" Fred asked.„Ronnie said she's gonna tell them when I tell you so she should be telling them about now", Archie told him.„You should call her. Just to make sure everything went well", Fred said.

Meanwhile, Veronica was still talking to her parents.„You aren't mad?" she asked in disbelief.„No, Mija. Mistakes happen. It's not only your fault and blaming you won't help", her mom said calmly. „I know this isn't the smartest question it Archie's?" her dad asked. „Of course dad", Veronica said defensively. Just then, her phone started to ring.„Excuse me, mom, dad, it's Archie ", she excused herself and went back to her bedroom.

„Hey Archiekins, how did it go?" she asked. „I meant to ask you the same. My dad took it quite good. All he said was congratulations ", Archie chuckled.„Well, I was really surprised by my parents. You won't believe this but...they hugged me. Even dad. They said something like mistakes happen and blaming me won't help", she told him.„I'm glad everything's fine. I'll be over in 10, alright?" he proposed.„See you in 10, love you", she said and hung up.

Exactly 10 minutes later, there was a knock on her door. But Veronica didn't answer...well, she couldn't. Once again, she was in her bathroom throwing up. Archie just let himself in and as he heard her, he decided to wait til she was done. Just a little later, she came out of the bathroom. She looked exhausted but Archie's presence immediately put a smile on her face. She fell into his arms and they laid down on her bed.„This baby is already getting me exhausted", she sighed.„Just remember that in 9 months, we'll have a wonderful little son or daughter and it'll have been worth all of this", Archie reassured her. With these words, Veronica fell asleep in her lovers arms.

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