Christmas with the Andrews family

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It was Christmas Eve. Veronica and Archie were staying with Fred and Veronica finally convinced Archie to bake. She was looking up recipes on her phone while Archie gathered all the ingredients and Fred was selling Christmas trees at Pops.„What do you think about if we make classic vanilla ones and some chocolate ones?" Veronica suggested.„Sure, sounds good ", Archie agreed. Veronica told him all the ingredients they needed and Archie collected everything.

Veronica started putting everything in a bowl whilst Archie stood behind her, his arms around her waist and his hands on her invisible bump.„Have you ever baked before?" Archie asked since she didn't look really sure about what she was doing.„I've seen it on TV. Does that count?" she replied. Archie chuckled.„Have you ever baked?"„Yep. Every year before Christmas with my mom. Peanut butter cookies, gosh they were good", he laughed.

When Veronica finally had put everything together, she let Archie roll out the dough and they started cutting out their cookies.„This heart shows how much I love you", Archie said, showing Veronica the heart shaped cookie he just made.„You're so cheesy", Veronica laughed and kissed him. They finished cutting out their cookies and put them in the oven.

Archie picked his girlfriend up and carried her over to the couch, then laid down with her on top of him.„You know I can still walk by myself, right?" Veronica chuckled.„Yes but I just love carrying you", Archie replied, kissing her cheek. Veronica closed her eyes and yawned.„You're tired again?" Archie asked.„Hmmm", Veronica mumbled, burying her head in his chest.

Archie started rubbing her back until she fell asleep. After about 15 minutes, the timer for the cookies went off and Veronicas eyes fluttered open. She climbed off of Archie and he got up to take the cookies out of the oven. She walked into the kitchen sleepily and gave Archie a side hug.

„We should decorate them", Veronica suggested and got some sugar pearls and food colouring from the cabinets. They started decorating their cookies and ate one every now and then.„This one's for you", Archie said, showing her a heart shaped cookie with her name on it.„Awww", Veronica cooed and took a bit of the vanilla cookie.

When they were done decorating their cookies, Fred came home.„Hey kids", he greeted them.„Hey dad", Archie replied.„Hello Fred", Veronica said.„How was your morning?" Fred asked.„Great, Archie showed me how to bake", Veronica told him.„Now you mention it, smells good in here", Fred noticed.

They sat down at the table, ate some cookies and drank coffee. Decaf for Veronica of course. Jughead and Betty would come over later, they'd have dinner together and exchange presents already. After some conversations and a couple of cookies, Veronica and Archie went upstairs. Veronica fell down onto Archie's bed and sighed.

„How can you be tired again already?" Archie asked.„Shut up, it's your child I'm carrying so it's basically your fault", Veronica argued. Archie laid down next to her and pulled her into himself.„Catch some sleep, princess", he told her.

Veronica closed her eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep. After about an hour, Archie stroke her hair lightly trying to wake her. Veronica started to stir and looked up at him.„We have to get ready, Betty and Jug will be here soon", he told her. After cuddling for a few more minutes, they got up and both got ready for dinner.

Fred had prepared some of his famous pasta. Jughead and Betty were just on point.„Hey B, Jughead ", Veronica greeted them.„Hey Betty, Jug", Archie said.„V, Arch", Betty said.„Raven haired princess, Archibald", Jughead said. They all hugged and sat down for dinner.

„It tastes amazing, Mister Andrews", Betty said.„Thank you, Betty", Fred said. After dinner, Fred went upstairs and the couples exchanged their presents. Afterwards, they started to watch some Christmas movies. Jughead had his arm around Betty and Veronicas head was resting on Archie's chest. They were watching "A Christmas tale" and Veronica was slowly drifting off to sleep.

„V, you have to stay awake. You can't miss the ending", Betty squealed.„Sorry B, this baby is tiring me out already", Veronica said tiredly, snuggling closer to Archie. A few minutes later, she was asleep on his chest. The movie went on for another hour until they went upstairs with Archie carrying Veronica. Betty and Jughead decided to sleep over at Archie's so they put up an air mattress.

Veronica didn't even bother to wake up. Archie placed her on his bed and when they were done with the air mattress, he crawled up next to her and placed her on top of him. Veronica snuggled into his chest once more and he placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

The next day, everyone woke up around 10 AM. They had lunch with Fred and then, Betty and Jug went back to the Coopers house.„Time for presents, right?" Archie asked. Veronica giggled and went upstairs to get her presents whilst Archie and Fred both got theirs.

They all exchanged their parents and even Vegas got something. Archie got a new football, a notebook for his songs, an album with photos of all his memories with Veronica and a new watch. Fred got some books including a cookbook and a watch from Veronica. Veronica got a necklace from Archie and earrings from Fred and lastly Vegas got a new toy.

They all had dinner together and then, Archie and Veronica went for a walk. Archie had Vegas' leash in one hand and Veronicas hand in the other. They walked over a bridge along Sweetwater River and Archie placed his arm around Veronicas waist, pulling her closer. Veronica rested her head on his shoulder and he kissed her head.

„You remember the last time we were here?" she asked.„Yeah, I enjoy this time so much more", Archie chuckled.„Me too. And in less than a year, we'll be walking this bridge with our little one", she smiled.„This baby sure enough will have the best mom", Archie said, making her blush.„And the best baby daddy", Veronica said, kissing his cheek softly.

When they came back home, they watched "Kevin–Home alone" and soon enough, Veronica was asleep on Archie's chest again. They watched movies for the rest of the day with Veronica sleeping every so often until they went upstairs and both fell asleep.

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