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I woke the next morning bearing a smile, I showered, brushed my teeth, let my hair dry and ate breakfast with James, Ada and Karl. After a couple of hours, Ada left and James and I were left to take care of Karl, it wasn't hard as me and James seemed to becoming good friends and Karl was just being happy. I wish I was a child again, so I didn't have to have a care in the world.

"Ada was telling me you moved to London a while ago, she was always ended up not finishing the story though." He said and I smiled and laughed.

"Yeah she's always been bad at finishing a story." I said and shook my head. "But yeah, I moved to London after a horrible event, I left everyone and didn't tell them where I went. Except for Freddie and Tommy." I said and he nodded, I could tell he wanted to know what the event was but he didn't push, which I was thankful for.

"Well aren't you a sweet boy?" I said and cooed at James cheeks which were rosy, I smiled and realised how much I wanted a child myself, but I shook the thought and almost laughed.

"James, do you know how Freddie died?" I asked him and he looked at me for a second before shaking his head.

"Ada didn't say anything about his death, she never has. Sometimes she'll bring him up but not often." He said walking out of the room to get some food, I nodded and looked back to Karl.

"Well Karl, I can tell you one thing. You're father was a brave man, who fought from the heart." I said and Karl just stared at me, placing his small little hand on my cheek. I kissed his forehead and he sleepily closed his eyes. I scooped him up from the floor and flopped back on the couch with him, James walked back in with a pained look on his face. I didn't question it as it may have been none of my business.

"Oh how I would love a child." I said and rocked Karl in my arms. I had my back to the door so I didn't notice anyone walk in after James. "If only you're uncle loved me as I did him." I said and kissed the child, before turning around and coming face to face with blue eyes. I stepped back, my heart breaking at the sight of his face, one eye was swollen and bruised, the other blood shot, his cheek which had just healed had another cut in it, his hair was a mess and his lip was bleeding.

"Jesus Tommy." I whispered. I quickly but gently passed the sleeping child in my arms to James, who nodded and took him to bed. I sat Tommy down and James rushed back in with some damp towels and a bottle of alcohol. I poured some alcohol on to a dry towel and dabbed at the cut on his face.

"What happened? Is Arthur and John okay?" I asked quickly, wanting to know if the other two boys were safe and alive.

"A few bruises but that's all." He said and I looked into his eyes, sitting back for a moment on my knees.

"You're a fucking idiot Thomas Shelby." I said and he just smirked at me. I smiled and shook my head. After cleaning up his face and giving him ice for his eye, James left to go make lunch. Tommy stood next to me and stared at the painting that James had painted.

"Frank's dead." He said and I turned to him in shock. He just grazed his fingers over the painting.

"How? Who? Why?" I asked and he turned to me finally.

"He wanted to call of the desk we had that we agreed on over you, he said he was feeling lonely and needed to be relived. So I told him we'd meet the next morning and discuss, but he brought men with him and I needed River you our safe because they were coming after you. So we gathered enough men to fight his men off, then I shot him through the head." He said and I just stared at the painting for a second before looking back up to Tommy.

"I'm sorry, I know you were doing business with him.." I said and Tommy just placed his hand on my cheek, brushing his thumb over my cheekbone.

"You're more important than a business deal love." He said and I just smiled and hugged him. We stood for a while and I decided if just go back with Tommy and come back at the weekend to se Ada and Karl. After I gathered my things, I hugged Ada, Karl and James. Telling them I'd be back up at the weekend. Once Tommy and I were in the car, I breathed for a second and stared at him as he looked through the paper. He looked tired and focused, his face was relaxed but his eyes were focused on the road, the blue in his eyes seemed to be a bit darker. I sighed and looked out to the fields that rolled past. I placed my hand on his which was on the steering wheel and leaned over, pressing a small kiss to his cheek bone. Thomas Shelby was an arse, he made me cry, made me feel horrid, hurt me and made me ill. But he almost made me laugh, cry tears of joy, make me happy and made me feel loved, all at the same time. I love him and I forever will love him.

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