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I awoke to the sound of arguing, i sighed loudly and made my way downstairs, only in a robe hung loosely on my shoulders and tied loosely around my waist. I walked into the study of mine and Tommy's new house, last night I slept alone as Tommy had business at home. Do I didn't expect to be woken up at sunrise to arguing in my living room. I opened the door to the study, to see Ada and Tommy aggravated and tired looking.

"What's going on?" I asked and Tommy sighed while Ada looked at him annoyed.

"Are you gonna tell her or am I telling her Tommy?" She asked and I crossed my arms across my chest, scared of what was about to be said. Tommy took my hands in his own and I looked up at him.

"I'm going away for a couple of days, only a few. So you'll need to stay with Ada." He said and I took my hands from his and sat down.

"Thomas our wedding is in two days, you're telling me now you're going away?" I asked and he kneeled down in front of me. "I'll be back in time for the wedding, I'll be dressed and ready. You better be standing in that garden, looking beautiful as always." He said, placing a hand on my cheek and I smiled and just flicked the side of his head. He kissed my lips quickly and pulled me up and into a hug. Once he pulled away I walked towards the kitchen.

"I don't need to stay with Ada, not that I wouldn't mind, but I have some work things to do between here and home. So I'll just stay here, just get Arthur to pop in every now and again, I need to talk to him about walking me down the aisle." I said and turned around to face Tommy and Ada who wore sad looks.

"Actually that's why I'm going away. Arthur's gone missing." Tommy said and my heart sped up, I hadn't seen him for a few days, since I told him to clean his act. I placed my tea cup down, turning around and placing a hand on each side of me, leaning over the sink, I felt guilt cloud over me and I thought I was going to be sick. I swallowed hard and took a deep breathe, turning around to face Tommy, tears were in my eyes as I stared straight into his blue ones.

"Find Arthur and bring him home Tommy, he's not in a good state. He could have done anything Tom, please bring him home and bring him to me. I want him to walk me down the aisle." I said, tears in my eyes. Now terrified of what he could have done. Tommy nodded, kissing my forehead and kissing Ada's cheek, I watched as he walked out the door, the only that on my mind was Arthur.


Morning had passed quickly, along with the afternoon, it was nearing night time when the door went. I wearily got up, slowly walking towards it, my gun behind my back as I peeled through the curtains. When seeing who it was, I threw my gun on the couch and opened the door, Polly, John, Finn, Michael and Esmé all walked into my house.

"Jesus what is this? A party?" I asked, looking at the stuff in everyone's hands.

"Actually, it's a dinner. Go along and get dressed while we set the table." Polly said, kissing me on the cheek. I smiled and shook my head, running up stairs and getting changed into something more suitable for guests. When I walked down stairs, the table was set and food was in the in the middle of it.

"What do I owe the honour?" I asked and Polly just looked at the table then at me.

"Well actually, Tommy asked us to come and keep you company for the night." John said placing his arm across my chest and pulling me into his with a laugh. I placed my hand on his arm and shook my head.

"Thomas Shelby, always taking care of little old me." I said and Michael chuckled and I just smiled and ruffled his hair, he cursed at me and I just leaned back into John.

"Actually, the last time we had a dinner without Arthur and Tommy was ages ago, so I sat we have one now." Pol said and I nodded and John  gave me one last squeeze before sitting down next to Esmé who was happily just looking at the family around her. I sat in between Finn and Michael, who both shared a smile with me. The door bell rang and I jumped up to get it. I opened the door to reveal, Ada, Joseph and James all standing, along with little Karl who ran towards me.

"Auntie Sophie!" He yelled and I picked him up and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

"You seem to grow every time I see you." I said and he just kissed my cheek. I hugged Ada, Joseph and James and we all walked into the kitchen, Karl sat with Ada and I took my seat in between Finn and Michael again.

"Oh, this is Joseph and James. Both of them are staying with me at the moment." Ada said and I smiled. Jospeh smiled at me and I smiled back.

"It's nice to see you again Joseph, I'm glad to see you're actually staying somewhere for the time being." I said and he shook his head.

"I'm off to Africa next week for 3 months, then back to London for 2." He said and I just shook my head. We all dug into our food and ate till we couldn't eat anymore, after dinner we walked into the living room and sat around, Joseph played the piano while James looked at the design of the house, Ada talked to Polly, Karl sat with Finn and Michael, Esmé and John sat on my arm chair and I just smiled to myself. I walked through to the kitchen and started cleaning up. I didn't think about Tommy and Arthur for the rest of the night, instead I danced and drank, enjoying myself while I had the chance.

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