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#1: (for Deviants)
It was 4:00am. You broke in and started rading through an Android store, full of your people.. your objective was to set them free. But before you could lay a finger on the other, you hear the door bust open.
"Detroit Police!" Hank yells pointing a gun at you.
You slowly turn around.. what will you do?

#2: (for Humans)
You were just brought in by the Detroit Police for questioning, you were brought into the interrogation room sitting on one side of the table. The one and only 'Hank' had sat on the other other side, he opened a file and looked at it before back at you. "Well ... I just have a couple of questions.." He spoke in a somewhat Serious manner, Connor was behind him staring you down.
What will you do?

#3: (for Androids)
You were an Android, still obaying your Owners rules and requested. Currently you were cooking a meal with a faint smile on your face, all the subben you turn around to the sound of a door slamming open. The Detroit Police.. they went through the house and started dragging your owner by their arms now to the door as they scream. "I didn't do anything!" Over and over.. you cared for your owner very much. Your LED durned red as you yelled. "What are you doing, they did nothing wrong!" You defended, you flinched in realization at what you just did- speaking your mind, something you never did.. a cop turned to you with a serious look now making his way over..
What will you do?

#4: (Make up your own)

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