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#1: (for Deviants)
Some Deviants are almost impossible to notice to the naked eye on the street, this is because some of them remove those LED.. you were that Deviant, now walking all over the city looking for shelter without a care in the world. Until you see something catch your eye, a whole army of Androids.. walking in plain sight, thier LED's still on.. you see someone leading the army, a male Android with two different eyes.. you knew someone was going to die..
What do you do?

#2: (for Humans)
You were in your car parked in front of a local market, you watched in horror as you saw two Androids kill a man in front of the Eden club in brod day light. You were petrified. Before you could call the police your phone shocked you, you turned your head back and saw the two Androids make their way towards you.
What do you do?

#3: (for Androids)
Detroit wasn't and never was a very safe place to live, and every citizen knew that.. You currently were standing behind you owner inside a store in the city, you were holding a few bags for them as you stared at the ground. Lately you have been pondering on life and many other things that could 'get you in trouble'.
Than something made you nearly speak and walk away, but you couldn't knowing that it was in your program to obey and stay put. A deviant with a gun approched you and your distracted owner...
What do you do?

#4: (make up your own)

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