Chapter 1 | why me?

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Summary: You were too scared to leave the relationship.

Song: i don't want to lose you- (wear headphones or earphones)

Does Finn even love me?
Did he even love me?

You were his girlfriend for a full year. The first couple months were magical and breath taking. Finn would make it seem like you were the only girl in the world, it was that special. He even asked you to move in with him...

And then, one night you caught him with another girl. His arms were wrapped around her, his smile brighter than ever... He'd had never smiled that hard with you before.
You were heart broken, but, you didn't leave him because you loved him deeply, you also didn't want to be alone. The thought of not having Finn around scared you so much, he meant the world to you...

I hated lying, and pretending that Finn didn't bring home girls each night.
I heard as he'd take them into the guest room.
I'd cry and hold onto my pillow to my chest every time he'd come home late with a female.

Finn would always make up excuses saying he had to stay at work late and finish some scenes... But, he was probably screwing a girl.

If he wanted another girl, then why wouldn't he just dump me?

I woke up on a Friday morning and walked around our house. My eyes examined the messy floor and living room. I sighed and walked around the messy area.

"Morning baby. I got home late last night, the boys came over as well and we just stayed up playing fortnite. That's why I hopped into bed late." Finn explained as he brushed his fingers through his bed head. My fake smile spread across my face and felt as Finn stood behind me and held my waist.

I cringed as he started kissing up my neck.
Slowly, I stepped away and decided to check the guest room.

Yep. It was messy.

Was he going to lie about the guest room?

"Why is the guest room a mess- Gaten slept over." Finn replied cutting me off.

Yes, he lied.

I rolled my eyes and held back my tears.

"Babe. I have to go. Gonna be late for work, I'll be home late, again." Finn mumbled, I then heard as the door slammed.

Not even a 'I love you'.
He was going to be late again. Which meant another girl was going to be taken home...

I placed my hands in my palms and sunk to the floor.

-I know this was bad. And, FINN WOULD NEVER CHEAT.
-just a requested imagine!
-is part 2 needed?

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