Chapter 8 | best part

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Jaeden POV

As we ran up stairs to my room all I could think about was her smile. We cracked a few jokes in the car and her smile was engraved into my mind.

"I didn't do much today and I'm so tired. You must be so tired Jae." Y/N mentioned before jumping aka diving onto my bed. A small chuckled escaped my mouth as I examined her being silly.

I decided to join her on the bed.

We both faced my ceiling. "Thanks for lunch and dinner Jaeden." Y/N whispered then slowly turned to face me. My head turned to face her.

Her eyes were locked onto mine, our faces inches apart. My whole body turned towards her.

We stayed quiet for a minute. Both of us were so silent that we could hear our exhaled and inhales. It was peaceful.

"Would you, uhm attend the TCA with me? If you want?" I asked nervously. Y/N nodded in agreement.

"Of course I'll go with you." She replied quietly. I blushed and chuckled nervously. Y/N licked her lips and gave me eye contact.

"I forgot what it felt like to be treated out. It's been a while." She whispered then gulped, I looked her up and down and slowly reached to place her hair behind her ear...

I gulped and examined her. "I'll treat you better." I mumbled and blinked. Y/N smiled lightly and scooted closer towards me, her head slowly leaned into my chest and my arms wrapped around her.

"Jae, thank you." She replied as she got comfortably in my arms. I held her close to me and replied with.

"Get some sleep." I whispered. She nodded her head. A few minutes later her soft snores escaped her, I smiled to myself and slowly placed a kiss on her head.

As we laid there I flashed back to the time where I wanted to ask her out, but Finn bet me too it and she fell head over heels for him.

Finn didn't deserve Y/N and Y/N deserved better, I'd do whatever it took to show her that I cared for her, that I cared more than just a 'friend'.


My eyelids fluttered open and I realised it was morning. 💛

My head lifted up and I saw Jaeden fast asleep next to me, cutest sight to wake up too.

Was last night perfect?
Yes. Dinner and the talk before bed was great.

I smiled to myself and bit my lip just thinking about it. He was the best part of yesterday.

-sorry this was short. I just wanted a chapter about Jaeden and Y/N.

-how'd you like this chapter? ❤️

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