Chapter 5 | found you

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"Are you sure he isn't here?" I asked as I faced Jaeden.

Jae just smiled and held up his script.

"Finn isn't here today, he doesn't have to film for any scenes today so he won't be here on Set. Just me, Wyatt, Jeremy and Sophia." Jaeden replied, I smiled to myself and looked around the set of IT to see if I could find Sophia.

(As Y/N looked around set, Jaeden had his eyes on her, a smile was released on his face as he stared at her- Narrator)

I turned back to face Jaeden and raised my brows.

"Thanks for bringing me to work with you, ugh Finn never brought me to his work with hi- " I stopped talking and saw curly hair in the distance. I gulped.

Do I run?
Do I ignore him incase?

"He's here." I mumbled and looked down. Jaeden turned around and faced the direction I was facing.

"Shit. Why is he here? Ugh he's with Jack." Jaeden replied and muffled. I shrugged my shoulders and looked back up at jaeden.

"It's okay, I'll have to see him anyway. No running from what me and Finn had." I whispered back, Jaeden looked down at me and gave me the sweetest eye contact ever. Like some connection happened.

Slowly, I turned my head to stare at Finns direction. Finn made contact with me and it was hypnotising, we locked onto each other and it felt like forever just staring at Finn.

My eyes examined as Finn took a step forward, I nodded a no as I stared at him.

"Come lets go." Jaeden whispered, I nodded and followed Jaeden somewhere else. 

Did I miss Finn?
Did I want to miss Finn?
No. I wanted to hate him 100%

Finn POV

She clung onto Jaeden like a sloth. They were attached to one another basically.

Was I jealous?
Did I wish it was me?
She meant the entire world to me...

I scoffed and told jack I needed to go to the bathroom. I walked around set expecting I would see her...

I can't believe Jaeden brought her to work. My eyes blinked and I was frustrated that I didn't know where she was. An exhaled breath made me sigh.

I made my way to the set bathrooms.
I knocked onto the bathroom door and heard.

"I'll be out soon, sorry." A voice spoke, I recognised the voice and melted when I figured it was Y/N's.

"Y-Y/N? it's me Finn." I mumbled.
She stayed quiet.

"Finn go away- No, please." I spoke interrupting and stood closer  towards the door. The door swung open and the next thing i felt was soreness to the face.

Blacked out.

-Woah 😂 sorry for late updates. School work is bad!!!
-How was this tho?

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