The Disgrace

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-Abuse Warning for this Chapter-

-Beep-  -Beep-  -Beep-

The usually tanned boy laying in the hospital bed was looking unusually pale. His caramel brown hair was ragged and it stuck to his forehead, he felt dirty. He usually cleaned himself quite thoroughly with a routine and all.

 The blue in his eyes seemed to fade and his face turned blank, he stared up at the ceiling for what seemed like an hour but merely just seconds.

 He was sick. Sick of the hospital, his grieving mother's shouts, his siblings crying every time they entered the barren room, and most of all, life.

 Life, in general, seemed to suck, like it was out to get him, kill him.

 A silent tear ran down his cheek as he found truth in the unspoken words that seemed to flutter around him. Invisible to the naked eye.

 He hastily wiped it away as the footsteps seemed to get louder as they approached. There were multiple footsteps now, that he heard advance to the room. His family, or what was left of it, he guessed. The door creaked open and he saw his mothers tear-streaked face.

 After his father left, the family seemed to break down, but most of all, Cecilia McClain seemed to be the most broken. Her once loving, kind, motherly personality seemed to deteriorate into something rotten. 

The boy laying in the hospital bed, Lance, seemed to be able to smell the bitterness, and somehow his brain seemed to form the scent into a tang of roadkill. Though underneath, he could still get a whiff of her old perfume that used to lull him to sleep, it made his heart wrench to think about it. 

Lance's few siblings seemed to trail along after the broken women supposedly caring for them all.

"Listen here, disgrace." She spat at him once the door closed and they were away from peeping eyes and listening ears. His siblings flinched visibly and his twin seemed abhorred at their mother's chosen word; she pulled Ireneo, his eleven-year-old younger brother, close to her side.

 Oh, and yeah, it seemed that in private or at home, his name was now Disgrace.

 "You're tearing this family apart and I am repulsed to call you my son." That's when he felt the queasiness kick and the nostalgia flutter.

"He was tearing this family apart and I am horrified to call him our father." 

The sentence pulled at his heart and squeezed his brain, he was in so much pain. The boy's face seemed to go sickly green in a matter of seconds, he hunched over the side of the bed and retched.

"What the-!"



A couple of nurses stormed their way in and started cleaning up the floor and their patient. One was asking him questions and comforting him, "Does anything hurt?" she asked him.

"No, not physically. I just... remembered something. A flashback I guess?" The tanned boy hesitantly told her, looking down at his hands and not meeting her eyes guiltily. She looked at him with sympathy before turning and speaking to the other nurses.

After they all left, Cecilia turned back to him with a glare that could make a bird drop dead from the sky, "You're returning to school." she spoke, turned back, and left. 

Novia, his twin, hesitated a second and turned back to him, "Lance," she spoke with a voice so soft that it could tame a beast.

 "You do know..." Novia recollected herself a bit before continuing on, "that it isn't your fault? None of this is your fault. Don't listen to Mother's foolish words, alright?' she uttered a goodbye, kissed him on the cheek and, with a lingering look, left.

 The boy stared emptily at the door, his stomach churned, and even though the words were pleasant, he couldn't help but think back to what his mother had said.

 "You're returning to school."

Was he really going back to school after three years of homeschooling? He somehow had managed two years of homeschooling all by himself because of his mother's absence, with of course the help of online classes. 

Why couldn't he continue that? 

He looked out the hospital window, two birds were flying together, gathering sticks for a nest. He couldn't help the smile that grew when he saw them build something so simple but also beautiful right before his eyes.

 The pair was creating a nest, their home, that would house babies, he couldn't help but think that, in a way, it also signified their relationship. 

Oh, how he wished he could have that with someone.

 But, alas, who would want a boy so broken and dulled down, who would want a disgrace? 

Who, would want a killer, with blood on their hands?


Keiiiithhy would! Lmao, well that's the prologue. I really do hope you enjoy my story, I'm working really hard on the plot. Also, I'm like dead. I can barely function, I'm so tired.

Anywhoooo, I wonder why Lance thinks he's a murder? Also, why does Cecilia say that he's tearing the family apart? Hmm, and, why did he get sick at his mother's words???? Oooohh so much stuff that's happening and you alll don't even knowwww, hahahahaha

I'm horrible

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