The Cute Boy's Motorcycle

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Idk, wth is the chapters name?

Lance clenched his hands and took painfully exasperated breaths through his nose and out his mouth.

 Calmy, he stood up taller and looked Keith in the eye, he flashed a smile and nodded simply. He could calm himself down if things got worse but he couldn't calm his raging mother if she found out he was late.

The boy in front of him reached over and grabbed a second helmet, giving it to the other boy. He then patted the room behind him before smirking and said "You'll need to hold on tight." slyly before glancing back at the road. Lance strapped the helmet on and then bravely strutted forward and lifted his leg over the bike, 'here goes nothing' he thought before sitting down. 

"Where do I hold on?" The nervous tanned boy questioned which made Keith click his tongue, he looked back over his shoulder and grinned at Lance like a cat readying to pounce their prey. "To me." He spoke briefly before making a gesture with his hand to hurry up. 

Lance gulped before wrapping his arms around the porcelain-skinned boy and digging his head into his shoulder in anticipation and nerves. Keith shifted the gear into first before slowly releasing the throttle; the bike zoomed into action and Lance swore he let out a scream.

 The wind shrouded the two and the caramel haired boy could feel the panic start to climb his throat. It felt like it was emerging from his stomach like a beast and tearing the sides of his throat as it made its ascent.

 Lance tried to swallow the monstrosity that was starting to rage through his body, it didn't work and he could feel his eyes start to burn as tears threatened to pour. He would not cry in front of this really cute boy that he just met, it was out of the question, pushed aside, and bottled up. 

The raven-haired boy whooped a bit as he grinned, oblivious to Lance's current mental state, and stopped at a red light "Isn't this just amazing? The breeze in your hair, the sounds of the tires along the asphalt, the feeling of being free. I don't think I could ever get bored of it." Keith spoke freely, watching the light with a small smile on his face; Lance though, examined his words carefully, almost professionally. 

He smiled as the motorcycle started up and took Keith's word to heart as he saw, heard, and felt what Keith had explained. The monster named Panic descended back into the pits of his stomach and brooded there.

 After finally making it to the school, Keith's motorcycle screeched to a halt in a parking spot and he changed the gears once again. He took off his helmet, letting his hair fall wildly and for a minute, Lance seemed to be lost in the moment.

 He choked on his saliva when Keith eyed him out of the corner of his bright, beautiful violet orbs. Lance quickly looked away flustered before taking off his own helmet and handing it back to Keith, of course, the action didn't result in the same effect as his short hair just poofed and curled at the ends.

 Keith was about to say something before they both heard Pidge and Hunk cry out and rush over to the two. "Where'd you go!? You just ran off!" Pidge yelled furiously as she scrambled to stand in front of Lance. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just... had... to do something?" It seemed to roll off as more of a question than a statement on Lance's tongue, and the short girl in front of him gave a suspicious look before turning to see Keith leaning against his motorcycle frowning.

"You know him?" The porcelain-skinned boy asked the two before raising his eyebrows at Lance. Pidge just chuckled 'innocently' as she put her arm over Hunks shoulders, standing on her tippy toes and having to half pull herself basically on top of him to finish the look which really defeated her intimidating act, "Oh yeah, we met the famous new kid before you." she taunted, before giving up and just falling to the ground.

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