Chapter 1

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¤Chapter 1|The New Pizzeria¤

Nightmare's POV
"Oh come on! Please please please please please!"My little brother, Dream, begged me for the HUNDREDTH time today, no biggie.

"God dammit Dream! I said that I'm NOT going to that stupid Pizzeria!"I groaned, glaring at my brother who was now kneeling down.

"Why?! Oh! I know, it's because it's named X-Tale Pizzeria, isn't it? We all know how much you loooooove Cross!"Dream exaggerated the lo—wait, WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK?!


Then, Dream stood up and walked close to me, whispering, "If you don't come with my friends and I, and YOUR friends, I will go to every AU and tell them how in love you are with Cross."

I weakly nodded, in fear of being humiliated, and of sadness, Cross was dead. And it's pretty much all Error's fault.

"Yay!"Dream said happily and bounced away, closing the door behind him, I sighed.

'What have I gotten myself into?'

Time skip

The Pizzeria wasn't too bad I guess, it was clean. Weird thing was, they sold chicken, who the hell sells chicken in a Pizzeria?!

Ink wanted to get a table up front so that we could see the performance.

"Nightmare, why the f*cking hell did you tell Dream that we would come?"Dust groaned.

"Please, you could have not come if you wanted to, you just HAD to see your precious little Blueberry,"Killer laughed.

"Well, we all know that you like... Wait, who do you like?"Horror questioned the now blushing Killer.

"It'S oUtEr,"Error said, swatting off Killer who was now threatening to kill him.

"HUSH! THE PERFORMANCE IS ABOUT TO START!!!"Blue squealed in joy, practically choking Dust in his hug.

The curtains opened and figures appeared from the stage. Music began and I was suddenly interested, remembering that this place was also a HORROR attraction, heh.

I widened my eye sockets, it couldn't be.. No way... He's dead. They're all dead....

Cross! Frisk:Everyone please stay in your seats
The show will begin momentarily

Cross! Chara & Core:Behold the horrors
They lurk beneath the shadows of remorse
You wouldn't know of course
But I force
a new Judgment Day
On this day
you will repay
Your respects to all that may
Lurk in between your mind
And mankind
So have a seat and be afraid
Fear's about to commence the final ritual
One body's all we need
for this to be complete

Cross:And when the day begins to take form
You won't be leaving those doors
You'll only live with us inside the darkness as we tear you up inside
I was left behind
All this torture will unwind
I was never all that kind
If you were to rewind
Then you would find
I was left behind
Take your turn to run and hide
I will catch you all the time
This night no longer shines
Your tears divine
You'll now be mine!

Cross! Frisk:Behold the terrors
You won't believe what I have done to you
I've made it look brand new
oh how cute
But don't digress
I'm the ring master you see
In this horror game you flee
I take up every shadow believe me
Now have a seat and grab your light
Tears begin to run you dry
But darkened thoughts are the common grounds
I give myself to be complete

All:Be as it may our courtesy remains
So we offer you our darkest passion
Take off that blind fold that heals and reveal your soul that dies

Core & Cross! Chara:I was left behind
All this torture will unwind
I was never all that kind
If you were to rewind
Then you would find
I was left behind
Take your turn to run and hide
I will catch you all the time
This night no longer shines
Your tears divine
You'll now be mine
You dare bring your filth into my lair?
Well then, let us descend

Cross:Re-born again
Our suits are now refined
Breathing new life
Inside our tombs tonight
You have no idea what we've been through time and time again
Don't hold it on to our deadliest demise
We can't keep you alive!

Core & Cross! Frisk:All this torture will unwind
Take it from our broken crimes
We have no place to go
But you would know
Take your turn to run and flee
But death's your destiny
Stop holding back from me
They burned it all down!
They burned us alive!
They made us look like clowns!
Our souls arise!
But like the jester said to the king
There's bad news that I bring!
Now let the night begin!

Cross! Chara:I was left behind
All this torture will unwind
I was never all that kind
If you were to rewind
Then you would find
I was left behind
Take your turn to run and hide
I will catch you all the time
This night no longer shines
Your tears divine
You'll now be mine!

All:We hope you enjoyed the show
Within your grave down below

I can't believe it... They're alive...

They bowed and waved at the cheering crowd, until they're eyes saw us.

They're expressions darkened and they stalked off the stage.

"Oh..."Ink dragged the word.

"My..."Killer continued.

"Pepperoni..."We all turned to look at Horror who ate all of the pepperonis off our pizzas.

"F*ck you Horror,"Dust stated.

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