Chapter 2

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¤Chapter 2|•Nightguards•¤

Nightmare's POV
"Are we really not going to mention the fact that the Sans and humans YOU killed are alive?"Ink asked, pointing accusingly at Error.

"HeY, mY jOb iS To eLiMiNaTe gLiTcHeS,"Error said in his defence, I was too focused on the fact that Cross was there, he still looked at innocent and cute as before.

"THE MAJESTIC BLUEBERRY HAS FOUND THE ANSWER!! MWE HEH HEH!"Blue screamed, showing us all a flyer.

It said,

'Help Wanted for the brand new X-Tale Pizzeria! We need a trustworthy monster or human to stay over night in the Pizzeria to make sure that the animatronics are clean and have no graffiti on them, stay at the security office and don't come out, check on them on the security cameras.

We are not responsible for any dismemberment or death.'

"Yeah, cause we're gonna sign up for a job that may kill us, not all of us are immortal ya know?!"Horror growled.

"Aw C'mon, even if we might die, we got the immortal people to back us up!"Killer laughed sarcastically.

"Great! Let's go sign up now!!!"Dream squealed in delig—oh f*ck no.

Before I knew it, I was in the managers office. The only thing I could say was, "F*ck you Dream."

"Geno?!"Ink gasped, I looked to see the glitch that can't be killed sitting in a chair.

"Oh, it's you guys, what do you want?"Geno sighed, sorting through electrical bills, and looking around.

"WE ALL WANT TO SIGN UP FOR THE NIGHTGUARD JOB!!"Blue was literally jumping up and down.

"That's not a good idea, and by the way, don't tell Reaper that I work here,"Geno looked nervous.

"Oh, yeah, Geno works at the new Pizzeria, he just told us not to tell you... Oh,"Geno looked horrified as Dust ended the call.

Before Geno could say, "F*ck." Reaper had teleported in and hugged Geno from the behind. Geno sighed and glared at Dust.

"Anyways, it's not a good idea because... Other monsters and humans have wanted to work as a nightguard, but they end up dead, and  when I come in to check on what happened, the animatronics are always covered in blood,"Geno looked uneasily at the animatronics, it was almost as if they were staring back.

"Don't worry, we're not weak,"Error laughed, he's seen tons of death, it doesn't affect him.

"Well, fine. Come at 12.00 p.m."Geno tried to push Reaper off him as he said so.

We all walked away to our homes, well, except me and my group we lived together.

Ugghhhhhhhhh, WHYYYYYYY?! Horror invited Lust over!!!!

Time skip

"YAY!! YOU ACTUALLY CAME!!"Blue and Dream yelled in happiness, ugh it's weakening.

We all walked to the security office, it was DUSTy and abandoned. I liked the looked of it, until Ink, Dream and Blue started to clean up.

"Ugh, this is goddamned boring,"Killer groaned. Then, I realised that we didn't check on the animatronics.

"Guys, we forgot about the animatronics,"I pointed to the security camera TV thing.

"Oh, yeah, I'll check first,"Horror looked through the security cameras, he was silent until he yelled.


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