Chapter 3

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¤Chapter 3|•Childish Acts•¤

Ink's POV
"What do you mean 'They're gone!'?"Dust shoved Horror out of the way and checked the cameras again, he visably paled as he moved aside to let us see.

Cross! Chara was in the kitchen, staring up at the camera, his eyes shining.

Cross! Frisk was in the toilets, she looked at the camera and it stopped working, flickering every few seconds.

Core was in the dining hall where everyone ate their pizzas, a look of anger on her face.

Cross was no where to be seen.

"AHH!!"Blue screamed and pointed at the hallway right outside the security room. Chara was standing outside, glaring at us.

Frisk was on the right hallway, Core was... Right in front of us...

The doors opened and the two came in.

"Ha, didn't think you all were stupid enough to come here..."Chara laughed.

"We can finally get our revenge..."Frisk looked demented, Core kept quiet.

They began to attack.

No one's POV
The three animatronics attacks were stronger than the last, even Error could not defeat them.

"Tch, how childish,"A voice said from the doorway. Cross stood there, an annoyed look plastered on his face.

"Cross?"Ink gasped. Everyone had stopped fighting.

"If you are going to fight, at least let me get some sleep,"Cross said, not acknowledging the sparkly-ass painter.

"Whatever you say, Criss-Cross,"Chara snorted.

Cross began to walk away, his fits clenched.

"If you DARE hurt my friends, I will kill you personally,"Cross glared at the new nightguards.

Cross walked away and his shadow disappeared into the darkness.

"WeLl, iT sEeMs tHaT CrOsS dOeS nOt wAnT uS fIgHtInG..."Core sighed, plopping herself on the table.


"If you don't let us go right now skele-freak, I will rip off your arms,"Frisk snarled.

"Hey, why's the Genocide child so silent?"Horror remarked.

Everyone turned to look at Chara, who was looking very worried.

"You shouldn't have come here, it's bringing back bad memories...."He whispered, staring at the direction Cross had left.

"For you or for Cross?"Dust asked, DUSTing off the DUST on his body from the fight.

"For Cross, you know? He really trusted you all, but you left his AU and us to die,"Frisk mumbled under her breath.

"wElL, I hAvE tO gO, I hAvE a dAtE wItH rEaPeR ChArA,"Core said and teleported away.

"Wait, they're dating?!"Ink yelled.

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