20. Bite

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Chaeyoung knew what the next step would be.

"WAHHHH...plans are already being ruined!" Lisa whined in annoyance. She couldn't help but gaps at the never ending line, thinking it would take hours to just enter into the club. This wasn't what she ideally expected. Lisa felt like breaking into tears.

This was Chaeyoung's que to take action. Closing her eyes, she raised her right hand upwards, and with a subtle but swift movement to the right, her eyes were welcomed to a 'frozen' environment.

It was as if time were halted for a few moments. It was as if the world was pressed on pause.

Everyone was frozen, some in the midst of giving each other a high five, close to lighting their cigarette, inches from giving a cute kiss.

Chaeyoung, controlled time. This was one of her unique abilities.

Looking at her 3 best friends, they too were frozen beside her.

Sighing aloud, Chaeyoung walked her way past the long VIP line, even past the body guard who was checking a guy's ID. Stepping past the narrow gap, she was finally welcomed to a silent twilight club.

There were bodies everywhere in the somewhat crammed space. It was a large club, yet it seemed to be very popular tonight.

Bodies who were in the midst of pulling out a sick move, about to clink glasses with a significant other, and much more.

And with a snap of her fingers, her friends stood by her side once again, all now inside the club, with the same position as before.

Lisa"s mouth was still agape, eyes looking deeply upset.

Jisoo's arms were crossed, tilting her head to the side with a fairly stern expression. And Jennie's face was also a frown, her hands placed in her hips as if determining what she should do so they could speed up the process.

Still frozen, Chaeyoung closed her eyes once again. Moving her hand to the left, the sudden thumping of music alarmed chaeyoung to widen her eyes almost immediately.

She almost forgot what it felt like to be in a club.

The three friends shook their heads in unison, as if trying to 'shake something out' Jisoo and Jennie looked around the club, smiling widely.

Lisa's jaw dropped the ground,

"Weren't we....just outside moments ago?"

Rather than completely removing their memory, Chaeyoung decided to lie for their own good, "Yes, and like I told you, the line sped up quickly. It's a VIP line after all."

They didn't even bother questioning when their id's were checked, much to Chae young's convenience.


"JUNGKOOKIE!!!!" Jimin pranced off from the bar, over to the youngest wolf. Holding a glass of champagne in his hand, he was already wobbling.

Jungkook did not want to be the best man every damn time, and carry Jimin all the way home like he was a baby.

Jimin had to try controlling himself for once when it came to alcohol, so Jungkook can just enjoy himself, rather than be a babysitter.

"What?" Jungkook fought the urge to roll his eyes, but decided not to, since it would be considered disrespectful.

"Where's Jennie???" Jimin's shaky hand brought the champagne glass to his lips, however with a groan of annoyance, Jungkook stopped him from taking another sip.

"How many fucking drinks have you had?" Jungkook spoke harshly, making jimin pout.

"Ha...sorry Mr. officer. I only had 5, so it's not a big deal. Will I be sent to jail? If so, are YOU the one who will arrest me? Where are the handcuffs?"

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