What is that

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I woke up at the team10 house, and Jake pranked me then we went on a breakfast date and saw a family having fun. I thought to myself is that gonna be me and Jake one day or are we gonna just date awhile then break and have to start all over again with different people. Ugh I hate think I get way over dramatic.

J-hey babe what's wrong
E-nothing just think
E-the future, my career future,our future Jake
J-what about our future
E- just how happy i am that I'm with u
J-aww babe I'm happy 2

We finished eating then went back to the team10 house and we had a big team10 meeting with everybody about tour that was gonna start in may so we have like 5 months so we had to start making songs, design merch, get our outfits and everything. Then we had a little time before I had to leave so I decided I wanted to prank him.

J- hey baby what u doing
E-nothing I think I'm about to leave so I can take a nap before my shoot
J-why leave when i have a bed that u can nap in
E- oh really
J-yes really
E- dose that mean your gonna nap with me
J- right after I talk to chad I will
E- ok see u then😏

Ok so now that I have some time I'm gonna set up a camera and pull the I want to have a baby prank on Jake. I set up the camera and wait for Jake to come

5mins later

J-hey beautiful
E-hey handsome
J- what you doing
E- um you know just thinking
J- again😂
E- I like to think
J- so what are u thinking about now
E- um i think I wanna have a baby
J- like for real
E- no Jake for fake, of course for real
J- o'well I kinda had a dream about us having a kids running around, you sitting there hold a little baby boy, we had 3 little girls running around playing in a big back yard with everything they could ever want, trampolines, play sets,horses, scooters, bikes and dirt bikes. It was perfect and I want that life for us I want to be with you forever.
E- I guess this is a bad time to tell u this was a prank
J- this was a prank
E- yea
J- (awkwardly laughs) well I feel dumb now
E- why Jake
J- because I told all that and it was just a prank I feel dumb
E- why Jake, that sounds amazing, and just because this was a prank don't mean I don't want all that.
J- really
E-yes Jake really
J- wow but I don't want to rush anything
E- me either we should just see how things
J- I like that and go from there, and if u want a baby like for real, maybe after tour we could try if u want I'm not rushing things I'm just putting that out there
E- I think that is a amazing idea
J- me 2
E- well I love u so much but I gotta go
J- aw you coming back tonight
E- um idk yet it depends on where my meetings are tomorrow morning but i know I will be back tomorrow afternoon
J- ok baby text me when you make it to your meeting so I know u made it
E- ok ily
J- ily2

I went to all my meetings and I'm not going back to the team10 house but Jake is gonna come over since he has nothing going on

But in the mean time I order food while Jake finishes his meeting then comes over

Knock knock
I guess my food is here, I opened the door and got my food but because I shut the door I noticed something strange laying by the wall in front of my apartment it was like a blanket but something was sticking out the end like a little shoe. I decided I would go look because it was cold outside and I thought I could be a little kid, so I walked outside

E- hello, hello, is anyone under there (picked up the blanket) omg no way

I hope u like It❤️❤️
I'm about to post the 2nd part to the jerika story and start the Tanthony story soon❤️

Life changer Erika Costell Where stories live. Discover now