I dont wanna leave

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E- hey Olivia we got you fro yo
O- what is that
J- it's just like ice cream but they add some fun
O- ok
E- here you go
O- thanks
E&J- your welcome
J- so Olivia your 2 right
O- yes how old are you
J- 21
O- your so old * laughs*
J- your funny
E- do u like the fro yo
O- yes its is yummy
J- let's take a picture

They talked for a little bit and Olivia feel asleep on Erika so they picked her up and put her in tho other room

J- your so good with her
E- thank you
J- one day your gonna make a really good mom
E- aww thanks Jake and one day u will be a great dad
J- that's questionable
E- no you will be u just need practice
J- thanks
E- ughhh I'm so not ready for the morning
J- I know babe but we will get through it

Next morning
We woke up and made breakfast and now it is time to call the #
E- hey babe can u come here
J- yea 1 sec
J- so what is baby
E- I need u to call them I can't
J- ok
E- thank you, I will go with Olivia
J- ok ily
E- ily 2

So I'm downstairs with Olivia then she came and sat in my lap

E- Olivia you wanna get  dressed
O- sure but where are we going
E- um somewhere fun
O- but I like it here it's fun here
E- you do *starts to tear up*
O- why are you crying *she hugged me
E- it's just these people are gonna come and see if they can find your Mommy and Daddy and your brother and sister and u have leave with the people
O- but I don't want to go with them because I don't want to go back with mommy and and daddy because when daddy dose the cool trick to make me purple it hurts bad
E- *crying* I know but the people are gonna make sure you are ok and that never happens to you ever again
O- really
E- yes I promise
O- but I wanna stay with you and Jake
E- well I promise we will see you soon
O- ok promise
E- I promise

Olivia feel asleep on me and Jake came back down stair and told me they should be here soon so Jake started to pick up the clothes that he bought her and her toys and put them in her bag he got her

J- babe are you ok
E- I don't think so, we have only known her for like 10hrs but I love her so much
J- I know babe but we have to do it km sure we can ask for updates on here I'm sure
E- ok

1hr later
*knock knock* 
E- *sighs* I guess that them
O- who
E- the people's talked about this morning
O- oh ~starts to cry~
E- it's ok remember what I said
O- promise
E- promise ~opens the door~ Hello
SW- hello I am Ruby Clan and this is my partner Jack Mansion and we are here to see Mrs.costell and Mr.Paul about Olivia
J- I'm Jake Paul
E- I'm Erika Costell and this is Olivia
R- hello everyone how are y'all
J- we are good
R- ok can I talk to one of you please
E- yes u can talk to me
R- ok Jack stay here with Jake
Ja- yes ma'am will do
R- ~walk away~ so how did you find her
E- well ~explains the story
R-ok but u should have called last night but other then that you did great
E- yea I just wanted to give her one normal night because I don't know if she will ever have that, or ever have a normal life
R- yes I know and that was nice of but now it is time for the hard part
E- yea I know
R- ~walks back in~ok Olivia are u ready
O- where are we going
R- your gonna come with me to your new home
O- ~runs to Erika~ I don't want to go
R- you have to tho
E- ~picks her up~ Olivia I love you and one day we will see each other now and trust me I don't want you to go either but you have to right now but really soon I will see again
O- ~cries~ I don't want to I want to stay with you and Jake and eat the ice cream with fun stuff and watch Mickey with Jake
J- ~ take Olivia from Erika~ I wish we could but you have to go and we will hang out soon
E- ~takes her back~ I will never forget you ~hugs her~ I love you and I don't want to do this but I have to one day u will understand
Ja- we need to go
J- I understand, bye Olivia ~they hug~ 
E- ~picks her up~ bye baby I will see ya soon
Ja- ~takes Olivia from Erika~
O- ~starts to throw a fit~ I don't want you I want Jake and Erika, ~screams~

They leave and Erika is blawing her eyes out

J- babe come here, it's gonna be ok
E- *cries*
J- baby they said they would give us updates
E- I know but it's not the same

2hrs later
Erika finally calmed down and fell asleep on me she is literally the cutest ever I feel so bad she had to go through this, but she will get over it I decided to wake  her up and take her on a little date

J- hey babe
E- yes
J- let's go on date, maybe it will cheer u up
E- *sighs* I guess

Thanks for reading it means a lot❤️❤️

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