New house who this?

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So I put liv in bed like I normally do, then I went to bed but I got a text from Jake.

J-babe come out, my mom can watch liv, please say yes we never do anything anymore.
E-Jake she has meet your mom like once and I don't want her to wake up scared and me not be here.
J- babe
E- Jake if u wanna hang out then let me know in advance. I'm a mom now I can't just leave liv with someone and go party.
J- u being crazy.
E- wdym
J- U forgot about me, u care more about liv then u do about me.
E- Are u serious
J- yea
E- Jake I have never been a mom before and I don't wanna mess it up. Also when did I say that I don't care about.
J- your actions speak louder then words
E- I can't do this, Jake I have a child who I care so much about and I love so much, but that doesn't me I gonna leave liv to hangout and get drunk with you

Jake read my last message and never texted back. So I went to bed and ended up crying myself to sleep, I can't deal with all this it really stresses me out.

Next morning
I woke up and liv was in bed with me and I just laid there with her  think about everything Jake said last night, I don't wanna lose Jake but right now liv is my #1 priority and I'm fine with that and if Jake doesn't like that then I guess we will have to end our relationship. Then I started to tear up when liv woke up

O- mom why u crying
E- just big people stuff
O- oh well me love u
E- i love u to baby
O- hey I not a baby I'm a big girl
E- ok I love u big girl
O- that's better

We ate breakfast and I did some emails and the dude emailed me back about the house we looked at he said it was all good and we could come look one more time and sign the paper.

E- yay
O- why yay mommy
E- remember the house we looked at
O- yea
E- well we are gonna buy it
O- really
E- yep
O- but can Maddox come
E- of course and all your other toys
O- yay
E- let's call Shannon and Court
O- yea

On the people
S- hey
O- hiiii
S- hey liv
E- so I'm gonna add court on
S- ok
E- hey court, you are on the call with Shannon and I'm with liv
C- well hey everyone
E- so we went and looked at a house the other day and we got it
S- ayyy that's dope
C- yay now we have a goat headquarter
E- for real I will send y'all pic
C- ok sounds good

On the people E-hey S- hey O- hiiii S- hey liv E- so I'm gonna add court on S- ok E- hey court, you are on the call with Shannon and I'm with liv C- well hey everyone E- so we went and looked at a house the other day and we got it S- ayyy that's d...

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E- It's on 20 acres so the back is open, there is a horse stables a little farther back and a pool. I was thinking a trampoline and of course getting some horses
C- sickkk
S- I'm loving it
E- ok well ttyl

E- u wanna get ready
O- do I have to take bath
E- of course u don't want to be stinky
O- maybe I do
E- no u don't, come on let's go
O- ok but first U HAVE TO CATCH ME

We ran around and then I gave her a bath and got her ready.

E- aww my baby is the cutest
O- thank u but your big girl is the cutest
E- whatever silly

Life changer Erika Costell Where stories live. Discover now