What do we do

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hello ~picked up the blanket and screams~ omg what do I do, I will calls Jake

J-hey babe what's up
E-so when my postmates ~explains the story~
and there was a little girl under the blanket
J- what
E-yea what should I do
J-idk but it's cold take her inside
J-I'm on my way
E-see ya soon
J-I love you
E-I love u 2

~To the little girl~
E-hey do u wanna come inside where it is warm and we can get you cleaned up
LG- ~nods her head~
E- ~helps her up~

I take her upstairs to my bathroom and put her in a warm bath and try to figure some things out about her

E- so how old are you
LG- this many ~sticks up 2 fingers~
E- wow that's so cool, what's your name
LG- Olivia
E- that's cute I'm Erika
O- hi erita
E- so what do u like to do
O- I like to play with my sister and brother
E- that's fun what's there names
O- Jackson and Emma but mommy and daddy put them away from me
E- aww ~gets a phone call~

E- hey babe
J- hey how is it going
E- um good she is telling me a lot and said that her mom and dad put her brother and sister some where else also she is 2 and her name is Olivia
J- what the hell and that's cool
E- I know, um how about to stop at target and pick up some clothes because here's are nasty
J- ok sounds good I will be there in like 30mins
E- ok
J- babe I love u
E- love you 2

Back with Olivia
E- hey I'm back
O- hi
E- ~In Erika's head~ Um what do I say this is so weird
E- so what did u do yesterday
O- um I ate pancakes then these people came and looked at me and Jackson, and Emma but they left and mommy and dad got really angry and start fighting then daddy hit me but it's ok because now I'm purple look ~shows her~
E- oh wow yea
O- but then when it was dark they took us around and made me get outside and left so I just laid down here and u got me
E- well that was a long day
O- yea
E- what's wrong
O- I just miss Emma and Jackson and mommy and daddy
E- aww it's ok, how about we get out and watch Tv or something
O- ok
E- ~raps her up in a towel~ ok let's go down stairs and get a shirt
O- what about my clothes
E- um they are dirty and my friend is gonna bring you some that are clean
O- oh ok

Get down stairs
E- ok here is a shirt
O- it's a goat the go ~makes the noise~
E- I can do that 2 ~makes the noise~
O- that's cool

They sit on the couch and turns on the TV

15mins later
*Knock knock*

O- who's is that ~worried~
E- don't worry it's my friend
O- oh ok
E- ~opens the door~ hey babe
J- hey, here's the stuff
E- thanks and this is Olivia
O- hi *scared*
J- hey I'm Jake don't be scared
E- hey Olivia come here look at all this stuff Jake got you
O- this is really cool thank you Jake
J- no problem, thought I would get you some toys, this shirt, a new blanket, and these PJ's
E- wow Jake
O- yea these are so cool
E- ok let's get dressed ~helps her~

O- who's is that ~worried~ E- don't worry it's my friend O- oh ok E- ~opens the door~ hey babe J- hey, here's the stuff E- thanks and this is Olivia O- hi *scared* J- hey I'm Jake don't be scared E- hey Olivia come here look at all this stuff Jake...

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J- aww u look cute
O- thank you
E- ok well how about we take you upstairs and you can watch TV while we talk
O- ok
E- ~picks her up~ ok let's get your stuff

They go upstairs
E- ok I will come check on your in a little but what do u wanna watch
O- um Mickey mouse
E- ok see u in a little

Back downstairs

J- is ok good
E- yea she is fine but Jake when I was first talking to her she told me basic stuff until she got comfortable and she said that her dad would hit her and it turned her purple and it's all over her body and she thinks it's cool ~crying~ and it hurts me to know that there are many kids in this world that thinks it's ok to be hit like it's normal
J- baby clam down, it's ok I don't like it either maybe we can use are platforms to try to make a difference and change things like this
E- I think that's a great idea
J- wow it's been tonight has been  crazy
E- tell me about it there is a little girl upstairs in my house and we have no clue who see is or where is came from, nothing Jake,
J- hey babe it's ok but idk what we do 
E- me either
J- let's google it
E- um ok
Looks it's up
J- it's says call this number and thats about it
E- um I think we should wait until the morning because it's already late and I think she should have a lit bit of just normal time before everything that is about to happen
J- i don't think that's a good idea because it says immediately
E- but Jake she is just a little girl who has no idea what is about to happen to her and the life she is about to live, so please Jake just tonight and we will call in the morning
J- Erika no we could get in trouble
E- I don't care
J- babe
E- Jake
J- fine but as soon as we wake up we are calling the people v
E- ok now let's get some fro yo
J- good idea

We got are fro yo from postmates and went upstairs to talk to Olivia

Life changer Erika Costell Where stories live. Discover now