The Decision

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E- so I think I wanna adopt her
K- um u don't think you are to busy to have to take care of a kid it's a lot of work
Kr- Kevin don't be like that, I think you should do what you want and yes u are busy but that doesn't mean anything I think u do what your heart wants that way I don't regret your decision in the feature
Joe- yea u there is always a way
E- well thank you guys for the input
Kr- any time sweetie I'm always here for u
E- thank you
Kr- let me know what u decide

Back in Jakes room

J- well that went ok
E- yea
J- so what do u wanna do
E- idk yet I gonna think some more
J- ok baby 💋
E-💋 well I have some meetings
J- ok I love you💋
E-💋 see ya later

I have to go back to LA for meeting but it's a long car ride and I couldn't stop thinking about Olivia and about how I could give her a life she deserves a good life where she had everything she ever wanted but then I thought about how this will effect everything else like taking a 2 year old on tour or what am I gonna do when I'm working and she can't be with me. Ugh this is so hard but I leaning towards do it because yea I have a busy life but I know I can figure it out and I don't want her to live that life of moving in and out of foster homes or getting put with bad people. I decided to call the social worker and tell her I want to start the process

Sw- hello
E- hi this is Erika
Sw- yes are u call about Olivia
E- yes ma'am and I decided I wanted to start the adoption process
Sw- ok that is great I will need your to come in and bring birth certificate, a ID, a bill that shows where u live then we will look over some paperwork and sign somethings then we will do a home check when you are ready and make it official
E- ok thank you
Sw- no problem congratulations
E- thanks see ya soon bye
Sw- bye 

I went to my meetings and it was time to go the social worker office and start the process

E- hello I am Erika Costell and I'm here to see Mrs. clan about Olivia
R- um right this way( get there) Mrs. clan Erika is here about Olivia
C- oh good I have been waiting
E- hello
C- hi did you bring the stuff
E- yes right here (hands it)
C- ok let me go scan this stuff and then get the paper work ready and have u look over it
E- ok sounds good

Few mins later
C- alright Erika her is the paperwork and your stuff back, so look over it and I will explain
E- *reads it* alright I'm done
C- ok so this right her says that you understand that this child is your once you sign and you have to give it 60 days before you can bring her back if it's not working so sign her if u agree
E- *signs*
C- this here talks about that u are responsible for her health and safety and you can take her to the doctors of anything ever happens

They keep going over it and finished Erika signed it all, then she got to see Olivia before she left with made her and Olivia happy

E- aw I missed you to I can't believe you remember me
O- I do because this pic *shows her a pic of when they where all eating fro yo*
E- aww I guess Jake put that in there
O- me to
E- so what would you think of in a few days you came and stayed with me forever
O- forever forever
E- yes forever forever
O- I want to
E- well guess what
O- what
E- I'm gonna adopt you So u get to come with me forever and get to see Jake 2
E- yes really
O- I so happy
E- me 2
O- but when
E- really soon ok
O- otay
E- I love you *hugs her*
O- I love you 2 *hugs back*
E- I will see you soon
O- otay bye Erika
E- bye Olivia

C- well when do u wanna do a home check
E- um ASP
C- ok how about this Friday
E- perfect
C- ok so u will to have a room ready, Cloths, and any thing u think for a 2 year old
E- ok sounds good see ya Friday
C- ok see u then

Thanks for reading❤️❤️
Question: do y'all like longer chapters or shorter chapters ??
I might post more today idk yet❤️❤️

Life changer Erika Costell Where stories live. Discover now