March | III

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You breathed deeply, trying to calm yourself.

You were at the airport, waiting for Peter's flight to open it's doors.

Peter was so close, and you were so happy.

Your phone buzzed and you looked down.

A text from Peter said he was out of the plane and walking to the luggage retrieve.

You bounced on your heels excitedly.

The doors slid open and a horde of people spilled into the luggage area. You stood on your tiptoes to try and make out two boys among the crowd.

Peter was bringing his best friend; Harry.

Of course you were fine with it, Peter told you he wouldn't be a bother, he'd probably just go find some of your friends and flirt away the next two weeks.

So you didn't mind at all.

A loud laugh rolled over to you and you turned around to see Peter and Harry walking up to you. Peter had a shy smile touching his lips, and Harry looked ready to crash somewhere for a nap.

You smiled and ran over to them. Peter grabbed you in a quick hug. "Hey!" He smiled for real.

"Hey, welcome! I'm so happy you guys could come!"

Harry held up a hand for a high five. You gave it to him.

After Peter and Harry found their suitcases the three of you headed out to the parking lot.

Alex had dropped you off because Peter said he'd rent a car for him and Harry for the next two weeks. You could ride back to the campus with them.

At the rental place, Harry was somewhere else ("probably sitting in a chair snoring") while you and Peter stood in line for the keys.

Both of you talked and talked and talked. The airport was dirty, the people who worked there smelled like smoke, all three of you were hungry and tired, and the two of you in line were incredibly happy.

"Y'know, I seriously missed you. Maybe that sounds creepy but I just gotta say it." Peter shuffled his feet.

You smiled. "I missed you too. Those first dates we had still are the most fun I've had in a long time."

"Well now we can go on more huh?" Peter smiled.

You felt a hand brush your fingers. You saw Peter's cheeks ring pink.

"Next!" The woman at the counter shouted.


"I haven't had Burger King in a while," Harry piped up from the back.

You snorted. "You like Burger King?" You pretended to throw up in your hands. "I even prefer McDonald's over Burger King." You laughed.

Harry joined in. "I haven't had it in like ten years. I wouldn't know."

Peter adjusted the mirrors in the car and stepped on the gas as the light turned green. "I saw a Walmart with a Taco Bell in it. We could hit two birds with one stone?"

"Sounds decent," You changed the radio station.

Harry leaned forward and changed the station back. You glared at him. "Because Taco Bell is a step up from Burger King?"

You slapped his hand and turned the station back. "How would you know? You haven't eaten there in ten years,"

Peter cracked up. "Guys come on, it'll be fine. Plus, Walmart has everything we need."

Five Month Lie | t. hollandWhere stories live. Discover now