April | I

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You and Peter had a hard time finding a good day to actually hang out.

The first three whole days he was in town, to see you, nothing worked out.

You were swamped with classes and tests the first day, Harry had dragged Peter off to tour some sports stadium the second day, and the third day Peter had gotten an emergency call from work and had to spend the whole day on the phone working some stuff out with a contract he had.

He was so tired by the time he had hung up the phone that he had forgotten to text you before he crashed on his condo's couch.

Needless to say, both of you were extremely anxious to see each other. The good news was that the fourth day he was here was your last day of school. You were pumped.

Peter texted you all through the day and videoed Harry trying to make lunch. Harry had been out partying the day Peter had gotten his call and today he had a hangover.

You laughed your entire lunch hour as Peter send you video after video of Harry needing Peter's help with something as simple as getting into bed.

You were pretty sure Harry was still drunk.

Finally your last class ended and you practically flew out to the administration building to collect your finance bills, but then you were off in a sprint to your dorm.

You sent Peter a quick text to come pick you up, and then you reached your building.

Pushing the doors open, climbing the stairs, unlocking your room and dancing around it left you hot and sweaty even in the chilly spring weather.

You made the split second decision to take a five minute shower and then you were dressed and ready to go.

Checking your phone you realized Peter had texted you two minutes ago saying he was outside waiting.

You leapt off your bed and threw your wet towel onto a chair. Grabbing a jacket and your purse, you quickly walked down the hall and into the lobby.

The doors felt heavy on your arms as butterflies kindled your stomach. You were really about to see Peter again. It hadn't been a dream.

Before you could ask Peter where he was parked, you were lifted into the air by arms around you from behind. You screamed but stopped panicking after you heard Peter's laughter in your ear.

You swatted at his arms and he let you down. Turning around, you saw his red face and adorable smile looking down at you. You playfully smacked his chest and tried to hide your smile. "How dare you!"

Peter laughed again. "Sorry," he rubbed his neck awkwardly. "I guess I missed you a little."

You blew some hair out of your face. "A little," You mimicked him.

He smirked at you and went to grab you again but you backed up quickly. "No, no, no! No more of that. I can't trust that you won't just tickle me. I would be helpless in the air and at your mercy."

"Ooh sounds fun," Peter smiled.

You smacked him again.

Instead of tickling you or picking you up, Peter took your hand and led you to his car parked down the street.

He opened the door for you then got in and started the engine.

"Finally," You sighed in the passenger seat.

"Yes, finally."

Peter drove you both to his condo. He got out and opened your door.

You laughed at him but took his hand when he offered it. The two of you reached the doorway and Peter took out his keys to unlock his home.

When you got inside you went straight for the pantry.

"Haz May have eaten everything good in there," Peter called from the living room.

"Haz?" You questioned, opening the pantry.

"Harry!" Peter said a little louder than you thought necessary.

You shut the door and took the clip off of a bag of pretzels. "You call him Haz?"

Peter was lounging on the couch. "Yep."

After munching on two pretzels you walked over to him. He looked up at you and you looked back at him.

Then you sat down on top of him.

He wasn't expecting it, and he let out s sort of "oof" noise when you landed. You leaned back until his head was smushed against the back of the couch. "Um," you heard him say in a muffled voice. "Excuse you?"

You laughed and sat next to him instead.

"Oh no you don't," Peter wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to his chest.

You looked up at his eyes.

His smile warmed your heart.

Peter bit his lip. He glanced at your's.

You put your hand on the couch to brace your balance. You knew what was coming.

Peter looked at you and then began to lean towards you.

Five Month Lie | t. hollandWhere stories live. Discover now