April | II

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Peter began to lean his head towards you.

You could feel his breath on your nose, warming your cheeks.

It was finally here, the moment you'd dreamt of for weeks now.

"Bro," a voice came from down the hall and you could practically feel Peter's annoyance.

You got an idea. Jumping off the couch you tugged at Peter's arm and he quietly got up and followed you out the front door and down the driveway, leaving the door wide open.

The sky was dark, the clouds threatened to rain on you, but you and Peter didn't care. Harry was far away and out of ruining reach, and Peter was holding your hand. Things could be worse.

Both of you ran together to the park without deciding verbally where to go. Thunder boomed above and it started to rain.

You slipped in the wet grass and pulled Peter down to the ground with you. Still laughing, Peter pulled you close in the pouring rain and kissed your forehead. By now you were soaked.

Lightning lit up Peter's face and you knew you were in love with him.

He helped you up from the wet grass and mud and his hands rested on your hips while yours went up to his chest and cheek.

Peter said something as another crack of thunder sounded. You laughed and could see the joy in Peter's smile.

Then you kissed him on the mouth.

When you pulled back, he pulled you closer and kissed you back for so long you had to gasp for air. Both of you were laughing in the pouring rain, streaked with mud, the happiest you'd ever been.

You ran around together as your wet clothes chilled you to the bone. Peter took off his wet jacket and gave it to you. You could only laugh.

Not a care in the world, you sat with Peter's arms around you on a picnic bench under a tree, absolutely freezing, but willing to stay there forever if it meant staying with him.

With Peter.

Five Month Lie | t. hollandWhere stories live. Discover now