June | I

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Ok, everything is fine, this is Peter, I've known him for almost six months, and he's nice and sweet and I think I love him. He's Peter, and that's that.

You took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell to Peter's condo.

Not five seconds later the wooden door was thrown open and you were scooped up into Peter's warm embrace.

"Whoa," you laughed into his shirt. "Someone missed me."

You could feel Peter's chest move as he laughed. "You could say that."

The two of you entered and sat down on his couch and Peter pulled you close. Suddenly every ridiculous suspicion of him lying to you was brushed aside as you snuggled closer to the boy who was so protective and good for you. This was Peter, he was real.

Peter asked you if you wanted to order some takeout for lunch and you reluctantly said yes. The first few times you had refused but Peter had convinced you that money wasn't a problem for him. He had an amazing job at the film studio and could afford a month long trip to see his girlfriend and rent a condo for that long. "So I think I can pay for lunch a few times." He had laughed as you blushed.

"Hey Pete," You said.

He looked up from his phone where he was ordering burritos.

"Where's Harry?"

Peter shrugged. "Probably out with Kate to be honest."

You raised an eyebrow. "With Kate?"

Peter went back to typing. "Oh yeah, they're a thing now apparently."

Your mouth fell open. "They are?"

Peter smiled. "Yeah I didn't really see it coming either but they are. I found out last week."

"And you didn't tell me?" You feigned hurt in your expression.

"Ah," Peter smiled. "Don't play like that, you know I hate it when you're sad even if it's a joke."

You pouted some more.

Peter narrowed his eyes. "Now you're just making fun of me."

You tried to hide your smile but you couldn't.

"Alright then, little miss liar, guess what happens to girls who misbehave?" Peter set his phone on the coffee table.

You stopped smiling suddenly. "What?"

"The same thing that happens to dainty princesses when they don't obey." He smirked.

You suddenly realized what he meant and alarms seemed to go off in your head. "Oh no-"

Peter caught you around the middle as you tried to jump off the couch to escape; but you couldn't.

"Peter no!" You screamed as he tickled you mirthlessly on the couch.

"You'll never escape!" He laughed as you practically cried from giggling so much.

"Peter- stop- it-" you gasped. But his hands were still tickling you all over. There was no escape.


"Fine!" You went limp on his lap. "I give up!" You were breathing so hard that you were worried you would need to lay down for a minute.

Peter gave you another bout of tickles for no good reason and then let you go.

You sprang off of him and landed in a pile of pillows on the floor. "You're the worst."

Peter pulled his phone back and continued to order. "I know," he said.

You rolled your eyes. Suddenly something caught your eye.

"Peter... what's that on your foot?"  You peered at the underside of his right foot.

Peter glanced down. "What? Oh, uh-"

"Is that a spider tattoo?" You picked his leg up and looked at the picture.

"What?" He said pulling his foot up to look at it. "Oh, right, that spider tattoo." He laughed nervously. "Yeah uh, I just, like spiders I guess."

You were about to nod but then you remembered something. Peter was terrified of spiders; he hated them. You had killed one for him in the kitchen just last week. Why the tattoo?

"So you want rice in your burrito?" Peter hastily put his foot down and went back to ordering.

"Sure..." you mumbled without really knowing what you were saying. Hadn't you heard somewhere that Tom Holland hated spiders too? You had a crazy idea.

You got up and walked to the kitchen.

"You okay Love?" Peter called from the couch.

"Yeah, just thirsty." You lied.

As you reached the counter you pulled out your phone and opened the internet app. You searched "Tom Holland spider tattoo" In the search bar and your eyes widened at your findings.

Tom Holland had a spider tattoo on the bottom of his foot. And if you weren't mistaken, it was the same foot as Peter's.

"This is insane." You turned your phone off and covered your eyes with your hand.

You were lost in thought and crazy possibilities for a few minutes and then remembered you were supposed to be getting a drink of water.

With slightly shaking hands you opened the cupboard and reached for a glass. Before you could react, a shattering sound coursed through the air and you were standing in glass shards.

"___?" Peter came running into the kitchen and saw you surrounded by broken pieces of the crystal cup. "Are you okay?"

You couldn't look at him. You didn't know what to think.

You had to know.

"Come here," Peter took your hand and led you out of the danger zone. "I can clean that up, are you hurt?" He led you to a chair but you didn't sit. You were staring blankly at your phone.

"Hey, Love, are you alright? You seem off today." Peter sounded concerned. "What's going-"

You looked up at him and tilted your phone to show him what was on it.

Peter reached out to hug your waist and glanced down at the screen displaying Tom Holland's Instagram page.

You asked him the question with your eyes.

Peter's own eyes widened and then reluctantly flitted to your gaze. He then pulled his arm back to his side.

You were shocked. "What..." you whispered.

Peter looked down. "___ I..." he shook his head.

You could not believe what you were hearing. This was impossible and yet everything pointed to it and Peter wasn't denying it.

"I can't believe you." You whispered.

"___, wait,"

But you didn't wait. Without saying anything else you walked out into the hall and grabbed you shoes. You were out the door and walking down the sidewalk before he was even at the doorstep behind you.


You started to run away, away from him, away from his lies. What else had he lied to you about?

Who was this boy?

You ran, until your shaking legs couldn't support your heaving body anymore. You slumped down into a park bench and tried to calm yourself. Then you realized this was the park you had first kissed Peter, now Tom, in.

You began to cry.

What was happening?

Five Month Lie | t. hollandWhere stories live. Discover now