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Ink's POV

"Gradient! Get back here!" I watched the two children run through the house, a satisfied smile on my face. It had been quite awhile since Error and I had first gotten together, this year was going to be our 5th year as a couple. Crazy, right? It took this long for Error to finally propose to me. I should probably explain what the two of us, just recently engaged, are doing with two children. Gradient (the oldest) and PaperJam had been adopted in our second year together. We weren't quite ready for anything drastic like Soul-touching yet, but we knew that we wanted kids. So after looking around for a while (mostly because a lot of the children we visited were scared of Error) we finally found not one, but two kids that we loved. They were brothers, Gradient; 4; and PaperJam; 3; when they were adopted. Speaking of the duo..

"Papa," Paperjam whined, tugging at my scarf. I looked down at him with a fond smile.

"What's wrong PJ? What happened to chasing Gradient?" I asked, crouching down so that my skull was level with his.

"Grey took the stabhorse that Dad made for me," he hiccuped, tears gathering in his tiny eye sockets. I sighed, they were always doing this. PJ would take something of his brother's, then a few days later Gradient would retaliate by doing the exact same thing PaperJam had done. By the way they made such a big deal out of that, I figured Error had been teaching them 'the ways of the Destroyer' again. It was his favourite thing to do with them.

Getting up, I gently took PaperJam's hand. "Why don't you show me where Grey went, so we can get your stabhorse back?"

PJ nodded, walking in front of me and tugging me along. On the way to Gradient, Error peeked out of the window to see what PJ was sad about. "What's going on with the munchkin?"

"Gradient stole PaperJam's unicorn again," I explained, "you seriously need to stop teaching them that stealing each other's things is okay." I sent a glare his way, but Error just grinned.

"Nope! Tell Gray I'm proud of him!"

I rolled my eye lights, annoyed but smiling. He'd never change.

"Papa! Papa! There he is!" PaperJam exclaimed, pointing to the fence that had been built around the house. I looked over, and saw Gradient standing there with his hands behind his back. Just as I was about to say something to him, he broke out in a grin and lifted his hands up. Nothing was in them. Confused, I looked down at PaperJam. He was grinning too.

"PaperJam, Gradient.. what are you two planning.." I questioned wearily, backing away playfully.

"GET PAPA!" They both screamed, running at me and tackling me to the ground. The two rolled around, trying to pin my limbs to the ground while I pretended to struggle against them. Eventually I gave up, letting them win. The brothers dissolved into a fit of giggles.

"We got Papa, Dad!" PJ yelled, looking at someone in front of him. I turned my head the best I could, only to come face to face with Error's smirking visage.

"Good job, kiddos," he chuckled while I glared lightly up at him.

"I should have known you were behind this surprise attack," I muttered ruefully, just loud enough for him. He laughed.

"Seems that you didn't realize in time. Geez, Inky. What happened to those lightning fast reflexes?"

"Life happened," I told him, smiling. He grinned back.

"Okay guys, off your Papa," Error ordered, and the two quickly obeyed, still smiling at their successful take down. One they were off, he offered a hand to me. I reached up, but instead I jumped up and tackled him to the ground. Looking down at him and panting slightly from the exertion, a smirked.

"Who's reflexes are slow now?" I teased. He looked back up at me, unamused.

"Whatever," he mumbled, pushing me off his chest. I laughed and got up properly, Error doing the same.

"Papa, Dad! We're hungry," PaperJame suddenly said. I smiled.

"Lets go inside then," I suggested as Error took my hand. The two nodded and dashed to the front door, Error and I walking leasurly behind them. A placid grin slipped onto my face as I got lost in thought. This was the happiest I'd ever been.


Welcome back everyone! I hoped you liked the first chapter of Affection Faded Blue, the sequel to Inking Love. See you all next time!

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