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Ink's POV

I was better, but I sincerely wished I wasn't. As I held Error's hand tightly, my silent sobs shook my still weak body.

Everyone was here. The Evil Sanses, Outer, Sci, Red, Classic, Epic, Dance, Dream, the kids. Even Dust managed to drag himself away and get into semi-decent black attire to attend.

The rain in Underswap's Waterfall bucketed down on us, but no one had bothered to bring umbrellas. We all agreed it seemed disrespectful.

Error brought my gloved hand up to his face and kissed the top of it gently, looking at me with somber support in his eyes. I knew this was tough on him too. Error had befriended him back when he'd had the guts to kidnap such an innocent skeleton.

"We are gathered here today to lay the dust of Swap Sans, known by all AUs as Blueberry, to rest." Core Frisk's voice rang out clear through the silent space. "We lost a valiant comrade in Blueberry, and he will be dearly missed. The deceased's brother would like to say a few words." Core hopped down from the pedestal they'd climbed upon to be seen, and helped Carrot onto the small wooden podium that had been put together earlier by Swap! Alphys.

"My brother," Carrot started, doing his best to not get choked up, "was perhaps the friendliest monster I ever knew. He could spread happiness just by stepping into a room, something that I'm sure we'll all miss." At this, the tall skeleton had to stop to wipe his tears away with his sleeve.
"All Blue wanted was to be a hero, and that's what he was. He joined the Star Sanses and fought to protect all AUs. He forged his path and.. and he died a hero. Rest In Peace, brother. We'll never forget you."

Carrot climbed down from the podium and lifted Core back onto it. The monochromatic child had some difficulty scrambling back onto the pedestal, but when they did, their voice surrounded the area once more. "Each of the monsters closest to Blueberry will now put an item reminding them of him in the casket."

Dust went first. The poor skeleton couldn't bear to lift his gaze from the ground as he set a blue rose into Blue's coffin. "I love you," he whispered shakily.

Next was Carrot, who placed Blue's favourite plush, a taco with eyes, into the coffin. He stayed quiet.

I released my fiancée's hand as I walked solemnly to the coffin with Dream. We both unfolded half of Blue's favourite blanket and placed each half overtop of his dust.
"I miss you already, Blue," I said to the dust.

"You were the real light in the Star Sanses," Dream added.

All in a bunch, the close friends and family watched Blue one final time as he was lowered into the ground.

"Okay Star Sanses!" I yelled enthusiastically. "Today's the day! I've heard from a few AUs that Nightmare and his hand plan to attack Underfell in Snowdin town in anoint an hour."

Dream raised his hand. "Why exactly did you tell us this late?"

"It was a surprise!" I giggled.

"Your 'surprises' usually end up with ya getting caught by Nightmare's crew because we didn't plan enough," Dust pointed out, fiddling the blue bandana wrapped securely around his neck.

"Besides," Dream added. "Isn't there somewhere you should be? Your wedding starts in an hour."

"And I can guarantee all those idiots are doing is robbing Undefell for last minute wedding gifts," Dust chuckled.

"Oh," I said. "I forgot about the wedding."

"You forgot?!" Dream exclaimed, pushing himself out of his chair.

"You've been blabbing about it nonstop for months and you just forgot?!?" Dust shook his head. "You're a real airhead sometimes."

"Aww, you love me!" I said, giggling.

"We do," Dream agreed, "but we'd love you more if you hurried up and got your suit on! You're going to make us late!"

"Right!" I yelled, turning around and bolting down the hall into my own room.

Dream's POV

"Honestly, he'd forget his skull if it wasn't attached to his neck," I muttered, utterly unimpressed with my friend's memory.

"Ain't that the truth," Dust chuckled, leaning against the table.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a moment, before I broke it. "We're really thankful to have you here, you know. Helping out and stuff.."

"It's the least I can do," Dust sighed, fiddling with the bandana again. "Blue would have liked this. And I like it too. Fighting on in his memory give me something to live for, you know?"

I nodded. "If Blue could see you right now, I bet you anything he'd be really proud of you."

Dust smiled. "Thanks Dream. Speaking of thanking and all that, we should probably get ready for the wedding. Error would kill me if I was late."

I giggled. "And Ink wouldn't be happy if his husband-to-be killed someone at his wedding."

We laughed together and we got out of our chairs and walked to our respective rooms where outfits had been laid out for us.

No one's POV

"We're gathered here today for a beautiful union," Core announced, once again standing on a tall pedestal in order to be seen. "A union between two opposing forces: creation and destruction. The binding union of Ink, our creator, and Error, our destroyer."

There were hundreds of monsters gathered, at least two from every AU, here to watch the wedding of a lifetime.
Ink's best men, Dream and Dust, stood to one side while Error's, Cross and Killer, stood to the other.
The two lover's hands were entwined, looking into each other's eyes.

"Ink Comyet, do take Error Queen to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do," said the Creator confidently.

"Error Queen," Core moved their attention to the glitching skeleton. "Do you take Ink Comyet to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do," the Destroyer replied, his intense emotions causing him to glitch out more than usual.

"Then my the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband!" Core announced, "you may kiss the Creator!"

Error took a step towards Ink, pulling the smaller closer. Ink giggled. "Have I ever said you look good in white?" The Destroyer asked, before settling his mouth against Ink's in a skeleton kiss.

Separating to the sound of applause, the two newlyweds smiled widely at each other, looking happier than anyone had ever seen them. They knew that from now on, the two would always be together, for better or for worse. It's all they could wish for.

The End

Affection Faded Blue - Inking Love sequel Where stories live. Discover now