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Ink's POV

I pulled the purple comforter up, just high enough to cover PJ's shoulders. He smiled sleepily at me as I gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, PaperJam," I whispered fondly.

"Tell Uncle Dream to make me dream somethin' real nice, will ya Papa?" He asked, then covering his mouth for a yawn.

"I will," I responded quietly, before flicking off his bedside lamp and closing the door just enough so that a small crack was left, enough for the two to be able to yell if they needed Error or I.

Just as I was walking down the hall to my bedroom, I heard a knock coming from the front door. 'Who'd be at the door this late?' I asked myself as I walked to the front foyer. Whoever was waiting for the door to open was evidently getting impatient, because they knocked again.
"Coming!" I shouted, though I immediately regretted it. The fact that someone was knocking- slightly aggressively -at our door when it was almost pitch black outside was a bit unnerving to me. Regardless, I opened the door.

"Ink!" As soon as the door was opened, I was tackled by a small, energetic, blue skeleton. I let out a yelp as we tumbled to the floor. "Ink, thank Asgore you opened the door! I wasn't sure if you would cause of how late it is, but you did!" Blueberry squealed, pushing himself off of me.

"Why are you even here?" I asked, getting up myself. "Not trying to be rude, you know I love it when you visit me. But why now? You know Error and I usually go to bed right around now."

"I know," he replied, rubbing his right eye socket, "but it's.. urgent."

"What do you mean by 'urgent'? And what's up with your eye?"

Blue's eyes shot open. "N-nothing! It's fine, don't worry. The thing that you really have to worry about is Dream. He's missing."

I looked at him, shocked and slightly suspicious of his actions. He was acting off. "What do you mean?"

"I mean he's missing! We were.. talking on the phone, and then suddenly he stopped talking in the middle of a sentence! I was worried, so I came to you to see if you can help me look for him!"

"You mean you didn't check his house earlier?"

"No...? I mean.. the first thing I thought was to get you. Now come on!" Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me outside roughly. Blue tugged me to the back of the house before I yanked my arm out of his grasp.

"Blue, you're acting really weird. What's really going on with your eye? And is Dream really missing, or-" Before I finished my sentence, a figure looking almost exactly like me, except with red eyes and a meaner looking demeanour, stepped out of the shadows and smirked at me.

"Well well well. If it isn't the goodie two-shoes original. I was.. afraid for a minute that Swapfell wouldn't be able to pull it off."

I stepped back. "Fell Ink? Swapfell? What the hell's going on here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Swapfell asked, pulling off the blue bandana from his neck. "This is a kidnapping! And you're the last one on our list," he grinned, and everything went black.

Dream's POV

My wrists were sore from hanging from the chains I had been cuffed in shortly after my capture, and the pounding in my skull had yet to cease. I had been on my way to Ink's house after I learned the Blue had been kidnapped, but halfway there, I had been struck on the back of the head with something metal. After that, I woke up with my wrists chained to the ceiling in a large cemented room, with Blue chained beside me.

Looking over at him, I could easily see he was in worse shape in me. He had probably put up a fight, unlike I. He had a huge crack in his skull that was bleeding magic quite heavily, his clothes were torn, his bandana missing, and there were bloody scrapes all along his arms. At the moment, he was trying his hardest to stay conscious by talking to me.
"So.... h-how did they get you again..?"

"I've told you that ten times by now," I replied, weak myself.

"I-I know.. I wanted to hear it again.."

I sighed. "I was running to warn Ink, and they snuck up behind me and knocked me out."

"T-They're noisy... how did you not h-hear them..?"

"I wasn't really paying attention. More concerned about getting to Ink in time, I guess."

Blue hummed in acknowledgement, before gasping. "I-Ink! D-Did you get to Ink in time..?"


"D-Do you think they got him..?"

I thought, the horrible possibilities swirling around in my head. What if they got to Ink? By the time I was running to get him, it was the time that he'd be putting his kids to bed. Them getting Ink was one thing, but what if they hurt the kids? PJ and Gradient wouldn't stand a chance against them.
"Oh no.." I whispered.

"W-we have to get out of here.. make sure he-"

Before Blue could finish his sentence, the iron door at the other end of the room opened, and Ink was thrown in by his Fell replica. Another figure then made his way in, picking up Ink and chaining him against the wall beside Blue. But instead of the normal wrist chains like we had, Ink was put in full-hand metal mitts. Strange headphones were put on his head, positioned where his ears would be. The figure then wrapped a cloth around his eyes and rubbed a strange substance under his nose.

I watched, confused, as the figure looked at Ink, satisfied with his work, before turning to leave. As he did, I rattled my chains, trying to free myself so I could take him out and free the others. He turned back, a smile forming as I began to recognize who was holding us captive.

Marvel's grin stretched wider. "Why hello, Dream. Surprised to see me and not your brother?"

"What are you doing? Why are you hurting us?"

"Why?" He repeated, beginning to slide the door closed. "To rid the multiverse of the originals, starting with you."

We were left in silence.

Affection Faded Blue - Inking Love sequel Where stories live. Discover now