Break in

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Castor's POV

When the window creaked open, I knew that they were here.
When they screamed and pushed me away, I knew that they didn't expect anyone to be here.

I fell from the windowsill and onto the floor with a grunt of pain. I too didn't expect anyone to be near the window.
A small skeleton with black bones, a chuck of their skull floating above the rest, hopped through the window and pointed a small paintbrush in my direction. They didn't seem confident in their ability to defend themself, as their eyes shifted around the room and they seemed to be sweating nervously.

Quickly I got to my feet and held my hands in front of me as a show of peace. "I'm not going to hurt you," I told the small skeleton. "You're here to rescue Ink, are you not?"

"How do you know?" The skeleton squeaked, paintbrush still pointed at me.

"I'm friends with Halluciv. He went to warn you about Marvel and the others. We.. we want to help!"

Still eyeing me, the skeleton turned to the window and said, "there's a human thing here that says they're with Hall.. Halluciv!"

I watched, my hands still in front of me, as more skeletons climbed through the window. Another black boned skeleton with glasses and a green and black hood, a white boned skeleton with a monochromatic colour scheme, and a glitching black bones skeleton with a blue scarf that looked kinda like a hobo.

Quicker than I could blink, I was tied up by blue strings and thrown against a wall. I held in a shout as my back made contact with the wall, not wanting to alert the others that something was going on, especially because these seemed to be the ones rescuing Ink and the other Star Sanses.

"Why the hell did you do that, Error?" The monochromatic skeleton questioned the glitching one. Obviously these two were Mr. Error and Mr. Cross.

"Well how do we know they're not lying?" Mr. Error responded. "If they're here, they might have been here to catch us."

"I'm.. I'm not," I whimpered. "I was watching for you, Mr. Error and Mr. Cross, but Marvel doesn't know you're here to rescue the others. Only Halluciv and I know."

"Where is Halluciv?" Mr. Crossed asked, approaching me carefully.

"In the.. the dungeon. With Mr. Blueberry and Mr. Dream and-"

A shriek echoed through the castle and we all turned to the door to my room. I scrambled to my feet and tugged on Mr. Cross' belt. "You have to hurry," I whispered.

"What was that?"

"That was Mr. Ink," I told them. "He's not doing well."

"What happened?!" Mr. Error demanded quite loudly, and I shushed him. Footsteps were coming up the stairs.

"I'll have to tell you later." I pushed them back to my window, "go! Hide! Get to the basement and don't get caught!"

Just as they jumped out the window, the door to my room burst open and Marvel himself was glaring at me.
"H-Hello, Mr. Marvel! What b-brings you here?"

"I heard voices in here," he replied coldly, tapping his foot as if waiting for an excuse.

"Well.. I g-get lonely sometimes.." I started, my mind rushing to make up something. "A-and I talk to myself..?"

"Was that a question?" His glare got steelier, and a shrunk back.

"N-No sir. I was t-talking to myself, sir."

"And the window," he said.


"The window," Marvel repeated. "Why is it open?"

"I n-needed fresh air, sir. Mr. Xcellence told me to come up here if I wanted it."

"I see. You have an excuse for everything, don't you?"


"Very well. Stay here if you wish. But don't forget to feed my brother," as he said that, he closed the door.

Error's POV

We were scouting for another way in, when Dust ran around the building and towards us, panting. "There's a sliver coloured child holding a window open for us," he told us. "They say you've met."

"You mean that kid with the 'CS' on their belt?" I asked.

"Yeah," Dust confirmed. "C'mon."

We followed Dust (usually not a good idea) as he ran around a corner and to Nightmare, Killer and Horror who were crowded around a window. Sure enough, the kid we'd seen earlier was there holding the window open. "-you gotta get in," they were saying.

"I found 'em," Dust whisper-shouted to the others. Nightmare turned to us and smiled.

"It's about time. This kid was starting to get annoying. Come on and get in."

Before I walked over to them, I turned to PJ and Gradient. "Okay, this time you really have to go this time. Outer will take care of you until I get back."
I didn't say if. I knew that with the strength of our opponents, that there was a likelihood that not all of us would make it out with our lives. I would try, though. I'd try for PJ and for Gradient. I'd try for Ink. We were so close to finally tying the knot, and I wasn't planning on leaving until we did so. I loved him too much.

Though the kids protested, they walked through the portal when I summoned it. Now that the kids were out of harms way, we could really get to the rescuing.

Chara and Cross climbed through first, as Cross was the slimmest and Chara was a ghost. Next was Killer and Dust. Then me and Horror. Nightmare was the last through. He had trouble fitting through the window due to his broad shoulders and his tentacles.

After a minute of attempting to pull him through the window, the kid had run off to keep Marvel and his goons from becoming suspicious. Getting the food, he had said.

"Can't you turn into goop or whatever to get through?" Horror asked.

Nightmare grunted. "It takes me a few minutes to reform when I do that. We don't have time to waste."

"Then how are we going to get you through?" Killer questioned.

Nightmare thought for a minute. "If I do this, you can't laugh."

"Uh... okay?" We looked at each other in confusion. Turning back, we didn't see the Nightmare we recognized. On the other side of the window stood a short, slim, white bones skeleton wearing a gold crown similar to Dream's and dark purple clothes.

Quickly, the skeleton climbed through, stumbling slightly when the landed inside the castle.

"Wait," Killer said, waving his hands. "What happened to Nightmare?"

"Shut up," the small skeleton glared. "And hurry up. We have to find the dungeon."

We ran after him, looking along the hallway of the basement for a door that looked like it would lead to a dungeon.

"But seriously," Killer whispered to me, "where is Nightmare?"

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