Chapter 1

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End Up Here- Chapter 1

Luke Hemmings


I stood still, pressing myself against the wall, trying to blend in.

I've never seen such beauty in my life. Her tousled crimson hair was the first thing I saw, shining like the sun. She walked with such confidence into the hallway with the whole football team following behind her like a set of lost puppies. I couldn't read her like the other girls, her blink 182 tee was hanging freely over her ripped skinny jeans making me even more attracted to her. A girl with such different taste getting all this attention, I guess her good looks has a price to pay.

As all the girls caught sight of this new girl they surrounded her as if she was some sort of goddess. I'm not saying she isn't but I am used to seeing all the girls worship over Kristina and her clique, always talking about their new mini skirts and crop tops, parties and scandals. Talking of the devil herself Kristina and her crew strutted over to the girl.

They looked her up and down, turning their nose up at her in disgust, probably because of all the attention she was receiving and how she didn't look up to them as if they were 'it'.

"So. What's your name?" Kristina snarled as all the girls began to go against her and her sheep.

However the fiery headed girl didn't shy away to the fake blonde in front of her, she just smiled and looked her in the eyes and replied,"Trouble.".

The crowd of students broke out into shouting stuff like "BURNN!", "OOOH", "FIESTY ONE!" as all the girls gasped in shock and laughter, watching Kristina and her friends jaws drop and walk off leaving their pride behind them.

I just looked down and scoffed, that girl is definitely something else.

When I looked up my dull eyes met her dazzling blue ones, she smiled and started to walk over to me.

Wait. She's walking over to me. Me. Oh my god.

As she approaches me I quickly fidget with my hair, I'm not use to talking to girls, especially cool ones like her. It's so nerve wracking.

I feel my heart beating through my chest as she stands infront of me, she stands there swaying for a couple of seconds before pointing at my Kurt Cobain shirt, "I like your top" she smiles.

"Thanks, um, it's Nirvana." What the fuck Luke. Play it cool. This is your one shot.

"I know," she laughs "I'm Melanie, well Mel by the way. How about we go and get lunch someti-"

Her sentence was cut off by the schools jerk, Jason calling on her, "C'mon Melanie, I will show you where your class is."

Melanie groans, "Well I will speak to you soon..."

"Luke. My names Luke and yeah."

"Bye, Luke." She smiled and with that she walked off with the schools dream team like every other girl in our school would do.


First chapter lol!

Sorry for typos and please give feedback(vote&comment&share) check out my other fanfic, sound of my soulmate:)x

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