Chapter 4

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End Up Here- Chapter 4

(Sorry for typos)

Melanie's Pov.


He didn't stop. He just kept running away from me. I lean against a lamp-post watching him fade away as I try to catch my breath. My breathing is short and uneven, I gasp for air every time I exhale and my mouth has gone all disgusting and dry. I feel a couple of tears drip down my cheek. As I pull myself together, I remember that I have Luke's number saved in my phone.

I sit down onto the hard ground with my back against the post, I rummage my bag to find my phone. As I find it, I frantically type in the password and open up my contacts list. I scroll all the way down to 'L'.

"Ah, found it" I mumble quietly, as I press the contact.

'Luke Hemmings'

I tap the telephone button and put the phone to my ear as the beeping tones rang out.

"Sorry, the person you are trying to call is unavailable at the moment, please leave a message after the tone...*beep*" the annoying robotic voice said.

'Pick up, pick up, pick up!" I shout, earning a few stares from adults and old pensioners who are passing by.

I try to call him a couple more times, to see if he would pick up but there was still no answer.

'Who would know where he would of gone?' I thought as I got back up onto my feet.

I head back to the school. It looks like the bell must have already gone as the whole campus looks deserted. Further ahead, I see a familiar purple haired boy walking out of the school's entrance all by himself, I'm pretty sure it's one of Luke's friends. I try to remember his name, but I don't think they mentioned neither of their names yesterday.

"PURPLE HAIRED BOY!!" I scream as I start to run over him. I must look and sound like a mad woman right now. I mean, c'mon, who randomly shouts 'purple haired boy' at a guy then sprints to him as if he was the finishing line at a race. I really should of just shouted 'Luke's friend'.

The boy stopped and looked around to see where the noise had come from. As he looks and see's me stampeding towards him he gives me a confused/worried look.

"You alright?? Melanie isn't it?" He asks as I slow down in front of him, panting for my life. He really does look concerned, this is completely embarrassing.

Uh, yeah. Eh..."


"Right, Michael. Well- eh, um, I need a favour..." I say as casually as I possibly can. They probably think I'm Luke's stalker.

"Sure." He laughs.

"Well, basically Luke and I have sort of fallen out and I need to speak to him but he won't answer his phone, and I feel so bad. Do you know where he would be?"

"You have came to the right person but I don't know if I should tell you, I mean, Luke might kill me, only us boys are meant to know where he goes."

"Michael, please this is important."

"Seen as I like you, fine. If you keep going up the town's Main Street you will see a sandy path that goes up towards a hill. Follow the path up the hill and he should be sitting on a flat rock that views over the town."

"Okay, are you sure he will be there?"


I wrap my arms around Michael and give him a tight squeeze, "Thanks a lot." I say before running off back into town.


As I got to the top of the hill, I see the blond haired boy that I've been looking for sitting exactly where Michael said he would be.

I quietly sat down next to him, admiring the view.

"How did you know I was here?" He huffs.

"Someone told me." I say quietly, hoping he wouldn't ask who told me.

The silence between us was nice yet unbearable. It was nice to see the view and feel a cool breeze hitting my back but it hurt not hearing him talk about random thoughts that came into his head.

"What do you want?" He questions, his voice sounding dull and empty.

"What happened back there, wasn't what it looked like."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure it was."

"You're wrong," I whisper, before facing towards him, "I didn't want to kiss him, he kissed me."

"You really want me to believe that?" He laughs.

"Seen as it's the truth, yes."

"Well, I don't believe you."

We both sit in silence for a couple of minutes as I thought of what to say or what I could do to earn his trust.

"I don't want Jason. I know we've not known each other long but I'd definitely prefer you." I blab, as Luke's head raises and I begin to feel him staring me.

Our eyes lock. I wish he believed me. I wish he trusted me.

"I'm here to stay." I whisper, moving my body closer to his as he does the same. Butterflies began to erupt in my stomach as we got closer. My eyes flicker to his mouth as his large hands cup my face.

We move our faces closer and closer until- "I can't do this." Luke says, pulling us apart.

He jumps to his feet as fast as he could, staring at me in shock.

Then before I knew it he had ran off and left me sitting on this hill all alone.



Sorry had a few family problems so late updates. PLEASE VOTE+COMMENT+SHARE!:)xx

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