Date Night.

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Skip another week, and PJ is still avoiding me like a small child avoids protein shakes. He was also making sure him and Jessica stayed away from Phil.

The showdown caused PJ to chip three teeth, all which have been replaced, and lose two whole teeth, which are to be put in a spare retainer until PJ gets enough money to replace the missing teeth with a couple of fake pearly whites.

But they weren't the only ones staying away from Philip, I too tried to avoid him like he was the Bubonic Plague.

Whenever he entered the room that I happened to be in, I would exit, brushing past his shoulder as if he didn't exist.

It's not like I wanted to, it's just that he was doing so well, getting along with me and trying to be a little bit nicer to me. And now he blew it. He ruined any chances he thought he had with me.

I even took it a step further.

We were all in first period English and Phil walked in late. He took his usual seat a row behind me, and once he sat down, I raised my hand. "Excuse me, Miss Joyner?" She turned around and smiled, "Yes, Daniel?"

"May I be excused?"

She looked at Phil and then back at me, nodding and giving me permission to leave the room.

Once I walked out, I sat down on the cold tile and inhaled. I knew I was holding my breath like I was trying to with my temper. I'm not in the mood to intake the same oxygen that he is.

"Mr. Lester! Please sit back down in your seat!" I heard Miss Joyner scream at Phil, and then the door burst open. "Shit," I mumbled as I stood from the floor and started walking down the hall.


I started running, already out of breath from either being so out of shape or from holding my breath. "Daniel!" I heard him yell again. I tried to keep running, but my body signaled that it was time to stop, my lungs felt tight and my whole body was shaking. I bent over to catch my breath and to relax, but Philip was already in front of me.

"Hey." He grabbed my arms and pushed me up against the locker. I was sandwiched between the cool locker and Philip, his warmth only making me hotter.

"Look, look at me." He shook me softly and I stared him in the eyes, "What." I mumbled, my voice breaking. I don't know why, but I felt like crying.

He continued to stare me down, firmly grasping my wrists, pushing me against either the locker or himself. "I'm sorry. I already apologized to PJ, and now I'm apologizing to you. I had my parents pay for his teeth repairs and he...he's still kinda scared, but he forgave me. Jess did too."

"How do you expect to have me forgive you for ruining one of my only friendships, Philip."

"What," He lowered his head to stare me straight in eyes.

"What are you going to do to make me forgive you?"

Philip looked me in the eyes and I felt his soft and warm flesh on mine, briefly meeting in a coy peck of the lips. It surprised me because it was just a gentle, lingering touch of the lips, a hesitation played on both parts as we touch as if both taking the time to memorize the feeling. Light nibbles on my lips, hands wandering, bodies pressing closer together. I feel a slight tinge in the pit of my stomach and I can no longer breathe.

I pulled away, "Philip?" I allowed myself to inhale and he looked at my lips, and then back at me, "I'll take you out out dinner. Eight o'clock tonight. Please be ready."

"Okay." I nodded. He smiled awkwardly before kissing me for a brief second, and running back to the classroom, closing the door behind him.

I needed to catch my breath, and I was looking around for answers. The only answer I found was the security camera, blinking and taking in my every move. I smiled at it, "How's that for a show?"

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