The Rat's Katana

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Chapter 4: The Rat's Katana

3 years later

Word Count: 1508

"What is this?" I look at Mikage in shock as my breathing quickens at the sight of the weapon he holds out in front of me.

"I want you to try and use it, until you can overcome your fear, (y/n)," Mikage says with a sad look reflected in the glass of his spectacles.

God Damnit he knows.

No one can know how hard I've tried to conceal my nightmares.

But of course Mikage knows. I can never get anything past the sly bastard.

I cautiously reach my hand out to grasp the new material of the sheath that Mikage crafted for the katana my brother used to kill my parents.

He must see my hand shaking, must see the hesitation on my face.

"If you're not ready-" My hand suddenly darts toward the katana, grasping it and fastening the damn thing to my belt.

"I'm fine Mikage," I say, successfully feigning confidence. Following through on it, however, might be more difficult.

Really difficult

I think of the rat, before he was the monster that haunts my dreams.

And then when he suddenly was.

I glance to the doorway of my room, and there Tomoe stands, his arm crossed. I can't tell if he's concerned or bored. He's cryptic in that way. As hard to read as a blank page.

I turn back to my master.

"Thank you, Mikage," I whisper, bowing to him. He smiles.

I take the katana, and quickly decide to retire to my room for the night. Tomoe will do nothing tease me if he ever finds out about this weakness.


"Big Brother! Come play with me!" I used to whine a lot back then.

He would always play with me when he got home from training with father. Always.

"(Y/n)! I give up! Where are you hiding?" The sound echoes in my skull.

His voice was soft and comforting and made me feel like nothing in the world could hurt me. Then.

"Big Brother!" I can feel my throat ache.

His big brown eyes flash behind my eyelids.

"What's going on here? Stay away from my sister!"

Large hands and long arms around me, chasing away the bullies, and the cold.

"Big Brother?" Why am I always so little in these dreams?

Hands that protect turn to knives that attack.

"Yuzu!" I can feel the fear building in my brain, and his.

"(Y/n)?" His voice is his, but he's scared.

Dark tangled hair shoots from his scalp, and ears like a rat's sprout from his head. A scream erupts from his throat.

His nails turn to claws as he scratches at his face. His eyes that bore into mine swim in yellow and blood.

"Yuzu!" He takes his katana from his belt, and with a mangled cry, plunges it through my chest.

I wake with a cry pushing at the back of my throat, but I quickly suppress it. No one else needs to know about these nightmares.

Save Me From The Monsters (TomoeXReader) • Completed •Where stories live. Discover now