The Land God Vanishes

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Since last chapter and this chapter are both pretty short, I'm posting them together :)

Chapter 9: The Land God Vanishes

1 year later

Word count: 334

Mikage, I swear when you return,  if Tomoe doesn't gut you, then I will.

A year is a long time to go out into town.

After a day, Tomoe sent his fox fire to the corners of the earth looking for you, even venturing out himself for weeks at a time, leaving me alone to take care of the shrine, which you know he would never trust me with otherwise.

He's a wreck Mikage, and I'm not any better myself.

I think Tomoe has finally given up, and I think he knows by now, that you don't want to be found.

We just don't know why.

Tomoe hardly ever talks anymore.

Its been a year, and he's starting to act like a child.

He won't get out of bed in the morning unless I drag him.

He just sits alone, angry at everything.

And its hard Mikage.

I miss you just as Tomoe does, but he's slipping away from me, and I feel so alone.

If he's not snapping at me, then he's staring off into space like a crazy man, and I don't know what to do.

I get awful nightmares every night, and every night I face them alone.

I don't know what we're going to do if you don't come back quick.

The miasma around the shrine is already growing, and the visitors diminishing by the day.

Please, Mikage, come home.

Sincerely, (y/n)

I hand the letter to the god servant that has come to give Mikage this year's invitation to Izumo.

"If you can find him, will you give him this letter for me?" I ask, my voice sad and tired.

The messenger nods once then is gone in an instant.

Mikage, where did you go?


Hope you guys liked this week's chapters :)

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