The Stupid Fox

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This Chapter is dedicated to a few different people animelover-5000 for continuously voting on my chapters and trevotegolucky995 for being overwhelmingly supportive and making me laugh with your comments

Thank you so much for your support.

Posting again even though its earlier than I planned because I'm absolutely so thankful for 800 reads and I cannot believe how far this fic as come in such a short amount of time. :)

Chapter 13: The Stupid Fox

Word Count: 811

I wake to the gentle sway of being carried. Hiro's scent fills my nose and I relax, despite knowing how low he must think of me. I sigh, snuggling closer to his chest, not wanting to see the pity, or the disappointment on his face just yet.

"My gods what have you done." Tomoe's voice? Hiro's body tenses.

I must still be dreaming.

"What did you do to her? Who are you?" Tomoe screams, his softer hands taking me from Hiro's muscled arms.

This is a good dream. I decide.

I relax into the soft material of Tomoe's kimono, my hands gripping the material, taking in the familiar feeling of his hard chest and the smell of wood and sakura.

He smells so good.

"Calm down Tomoe." That was Hiro's voice.

"Calm down? She's covered in blood and passed out, and you tell me to calm down?" Tomoe's voice is closer now that he carries me, and I wince at the volume it projects.

Why am I covered in blood again?

My body tenses as visions envelop my head. I push myself away from Tomoe as my eyes snap open.

Its not a dream?

I sit on the ground, wide eyed, staring at Tomoe.

He's actually here?

I laugh then, a loud hysterical laugh as the two men look at me with concern.

"So you're back?" I ask, standing to my feet, feeling the unexpected resentment flood through my veins. This is not how I pictured myself upon seeing him again. I don't notice the blood on my hands, or my kimono as I sheath the katana, a sudden anger boiling my blood.

"What, you hear that I went looking for you and decided to come back, or was it getting lonely in the red light district?" Tomoe looks shocked as I spit the words at him. He reaches out to me as I walk toward the shrine, and I shake my hand out of his grasp, suddenly afraid.

"Don't touch me!" I scream, my voice cracking with the words. He flinches back, looking shocked.

"She ran into her brother while she was out looking for you, Tomoe." Hiro says as I glare at Tomoe. His face drops further.

"I'll see you later, Hiro. I won't be needed now that the Fox is back." I say, still glaring at Tomoe. Hiro doesn't respond as I walk the steps back into the shrine. Nanami looks at me with pity and goes to touch my shoulder comfortingly, but I quickly slap her hand away.

She's not Mikage.

"The first chance I get, I'm leaving this shrine. Have Tomoe stay if you need a familiar to do all your shit for you." I spit, feeling the pain it causes to disrespect my god in such a way.

I walk past her as a hurt expression takes over her features, and walk to my room, wanting nothing more than to run back to Tomoe and shut him out at the same time. He walks up to my door as I'm closing it, and I cast my eyes towards the floor.

"You were right, Tomoe. I'll never be strong enough." I whisper, closing the door in his face. I don't let the tears fall until I'm on the ground with my back against my sliding door, wondering when my brother will come for my head.


Did I say this was going to be a happy chapter?


Sorry for such a short chapter. But I felt like that last sentence was a perfect place to end this also depressing chapter.

I highly suggest listening to the song above, its one of my all time favorites and i feel like it really goes with the mood of the chapter.

The happiness will come back soon, i promise, but we need to make Tomoe suffer a bit for leaving (y/n) for so long.

This was actually supposed to be a happy reunion believe it or not, but i decided halfway through writing that making it a not so happy reunion would make it more interesting, (to me at least)

Thank you guys so much for reading. Your support literally means the world to me, and i can't believe this book is where it is right now.

Love you all

Please don't forget to vote and comment <3

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