chapter 1

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Shadow is a cat hybrid and Raven is a bunny hybrid they live in a place where people sell animal hybrid it's a disgusting place where the hybrids are beat and starved until there sold a few of the hybrids are dragged Down to a room where they have to sit in cages until people come in and look at them shadow and Raven are sitting in the same cage with shadow playing with Ravens ears when a tall man will black hair walks up to the cage "well hello " he says in a sweet voice shadow hisses at him while Raven hides in shadows chest scared the man walks away but comes back with someone that works there "I'd like these two " the man says while putting his hand on the cage "are you sure you want those two we have better hybrids that are more respectful"the worker glares down at the hybrids "yes now shut up and do your job"the man glares at the worker "yes yes sorry sir Please fallow me" the worker apologizes and starts walking away with the man another work comes and grabs shadows and Raven's cage (with magic strength or something) going to a reception like desk (like at a desk to check in at a doctors office ) setting the cage down next to the man from earlier after the man pays for them the worker picks up the  cage and fallow the man to his car and puts the cage in it and the man get in and opens the cage(he has a driver or something) "come on out it's ok" the man says sweetly the two crawl out sitting on the seat "my name's  (im not good at names someone help) Jack " he says calmly"shadow" shadow says quietly "Raven" Raven says even more quietly then shadow (I said it that way on purpose be quite)  "cute" jack say chuckling "I'm not cute" shadow yells "be quite or I'll bend you over my knee " Jack says sternly shadow immediately became quiet Raven blushed bright red

I have this chapter in my random stories book

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