It's been  like 2 days since shadow and raven got bought  and the quickly learnt that jack is never home and what ever he dose takes what feels like 10 hours to do so that leaves  shadow and ravens  stuck with max
Max and Raven have started to  get  along  shadow on the other hand has been  avoiding  him hiding in weird places  like random  rooms in laundry baskets and in closets he's even stoped hanging around  raven  which makes Raven sad

Max pov
"Max I'm going to work I'll be home later  feed Raven and shadow" jack says from across  the house  but max has supper hearing or something  "yea yea whatever  dad" max says in the most emo teenage boy way possible ending  what's a grown

N/A this is something  I guess  umm I'll post  more ....soon maybe  I have  ideas  just  not good one's  max is not emo I promise 

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