chapter 5

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Shadows POV
I don't know why I went over to one of Max's friends but I don't regret it I never knew getting pet was so good I always just pet raven he never petted me so I never knew but let me tell you getting pet was like a thousand little kisses on your head I climb up in his lap and just lay there

Max love
What the heck why is shadow being so nice I'm not saying im jealous or anything but it makes me mad "hey are you going to put on a moive or something" my friend  Zack says to me "oh yea" I say putingnthe scary movie on

3rd person pov

Raven looks at the screen regretting it hiding his face in zacks shirt shacking "max dude your scaring raven" Zack says upset "I don't care let him be upset" max says not paying attention to them shadow hisses at him "ahhh its ok" Leo says peting shadows head

Max pov

Ok maybe I am a little jealous of Leo I don't understand how shadow likes him so much maybe I want shadow to like me that much "dude change the movie" Zack says angrily "fine fine whatever" I say changing the movie to something other I hate how shadow is just driving all over Leo its gross but also cute no no stop that stop thinking like that I dont like him

2 hours later Leo and Zack left shadow and raven are sitting on the floor cuddling and max is making food

Shadow pov
"We should go explore more" I say getting up "no no last time we got in trouble I don't want that to happen again" raven says scared "fine" I says doting back down

Max pov

"Shadow raven get in here my dad told me to feed you " I yell seeing them scurry in here that sit at the table I put two plats in front of them "here eat up or dont I don't care" I say looking away siting down to start eating

I'm sorry it took so long to update but I know no one reads author notes so I don't know why I put them
Sorry about miss spelling and stuff

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