chapter 3

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So after everything settled down max went back to his room jack is in the living room watching TV shadow is sitting on the ground playing with Raven's hair

'  stupid dad making me say sorry to that mutt' i punch the wall  I move and sit on my bed 'i don't care if he's part cat or that he's adorable and those ears and his tail are just so cu- what am I thinking he's just a stupid mutt' puts my hands over my face

Shadow POV
I mess with Raven's hair "ow" he yelps I stop "are you ok Raven" jack looks at use "ya I'm ok" he says rubbing his head I kiss his head "I'm sorry" "it's ok " Raven smiles at me

Jack POV
'ok Everything seems to be going well
I just hope max is ok I should go check on him but those two are so cute I stand up "ok I'm going to go check on max I'll be back" I stand up and head to Max's room

Shadow POV
"Come on Raven let's fallow him " I stand up "but we could get in trouble " he whines "ok you stay here " I walk to Max's room seeing the door open looking in the room seeing jack and max taking max looks over at me and smirks jack looks over oh shadow come in " he motions for me to come in, I walk over to him standing next to jack "we were just talking about you" Jack said "no we were not don't says stupid things like that" max says in an angry tone "whatever its not like I care" I say leaving the room to go back to raven

Oh no I made him upset wait why do I care about that stupid mutt"earth to max" jack is waving his he and in front of my face "yes what" I yell "there is no reason to yell I just want to say I will be leaving in a little bit I want you to watch shadow and raven for me thanks" he says and leaves the room " I didn't say I would" I yell

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