chapter 4

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Once dad leaves I go down to the living room to see shadow playing with raven's hair "ok I'm in charge now you have to do what I say got it" I say angrily " yea yea whatever" shadow says in a snoty tone I glare at him siting done calling two of my friends inviting them over

Shadow POV
I glare at max how dare he call me a mutt I don't care if he says he is in charge I'm not going to lisen to him.i keep playing with raven hair

"Ok you two I'm having two friends over you tell jack and you want see tomorrow got it" I say after I'm done with the call the both nod

Time skip because I'm lazy

I get up to and open the door leting my friend we go sit down raven gets up and goes over to one of my friends "who is this little cutie max" my friend Zack says rubing ravens head"oh that's raven and that is shadow he's kind of a brat" I say I hear shadow grawl I glare at him and then dose the unthinkable and walks up to my that is airing down rubing his head up against his leg whimpering my friend picks him up and starts peting him "what the heck how " I yell making raven wimmper "shhh it's ok little one" my friend Zack picking him up during down on the couch with him "ok whatever let's just watch a movie" I say outing on a scary movie

(Small chapter sorry took to long I've been busy sorry)

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