chapter two

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Once they get to Jack's house Shadow and Raven just sit there looking up at the giant house before being basically dragged in the house

"go ahead and look around cuties" Jack says calmly smiling Shadow hisses at him but starts looking around Ravan fallows behind him

They make it to a big black door that says
'do not enter'
Shadow try's to open the door but before he can Raven stops him "I don't think that's a good idea we might get in trouble" "you can stay out here but I'm going in " shadow says pushing the door open stepping in

Shadows POV
As I step in the room I can tell that it was a bedroom it was big room there was two more doors I look back at Raven waving him to come in but he shakes his head

I move further in the room noticing a young boy he looks to be 15 maybe 16 he hasn't seen me yet I step back but I step on something and fall backwards

Raven runs over to me and the teen looks at me "hey what are you doing in here"he yells at use that jack guy runs in the room" what's going on in here" he asked angrily "who are they and why are they here" the teen yelled at that jack guy "first calm down max and I just bought them I thought you liked cats " Jack says at max "ya I like cats not that mutt" max yells

I whimper and run off Raven only a little bit behind me i Stop running when I get to a living room

Ravens POV
I fallow shadow when he runs out of the room when he stops running I hug him "are you ok shadow" I ask quietly "ya I'm fine Raven" he smiles at me I know it's fake but at least he's trying

Jacks POV
"Max why did you say that you hurt his feelings go apologize right now" I say to my rude son "say sorry to that mutt yaa no" " don't make me drag you get up and say sorry right now" I yell at him "or I'll ground you " "what you can't do that " he yells at me "oh you want to bet"

He gets up and walks out of the room I fallow behind him we see shadow and Raven in the living room hugging that stop once they see us "max now"I say impatient "fine I'm sorry for calling you a mutt" he says unhappy shadow glares at him hissing Turing away from him

Shadow POV
He's just saying it because he's being made to, like I'm going to forgive him "come on shadow can't you forgive him" jack says smiling at me "no" I say bluntly jack looks shocked Raven looks sad I look at him he pouts at me "fine I forgive him " I say looking away Raven smiles and hugs me

(New chapter yay not checking spelling and I don't care if something is spelled wrong now good bye for now)

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